All stats and information will be shared with the Administration. I am looking forward to being able to highlight books through displays and teach in a consistent space. Costs for webinars varies and many resources are free. Performance objectives are important for three reasons. Click on the title for specifics concerning time and fees. Improve Services to Online and Remote Learners, Use LTI technology to place subject-specific LibGuides on Blackboard course pages, Expand access points to Libchat virtual reference, Consider outsourcing night/weekend virtual service for 24/7 coverage, Target service improvements for Adult Learners and Grad Students, Promote and support student-faculty research, Help faculty embed IL learning outcomes across the curriculum, Create a suite of modular, re-usable online video tutorials, Develop discrete instructional videos for on-the-fly learning (Library Pit Stop concept), Patron-initiated room reservations for selected spaces, Eliminate overdue fines for books from the stacks, Reassess 24/5 building access for safety/security, Simplify and improve the Library web site, Improve user experience on mobile devices across virtual services, Improve question intake, triage, and handoffs between Library service points, For faculty teaching classes across the curriculum, Correlate Library use with undergraduate first-year retention and student success, Develop assessment criteria for the Common Reading Program, Develop a strategy to promote faculty-authored books, Support emerging programs in Nursing and Health Sciences, Plan for a future Institutional Repository (longer-term goal requiring both new and ongoing funding), Continue building the Faculty Development Reading Collection, Curate print book collections with faculty input, including CVs and syllabi, Improve ebook holdings, using patron-driven acquisitions, Continue building on archives-related Initiatives, especially with digitized collections, Adapting to general calls for budget reductions, Consider ways to reduce staff and professional salary budgets, Possibilities include marketing, exhibits/displays, peer/competitor analysis, Expand student workers roles and contributions, Develop space proposals around internal partnerships and synergies, Digital signage for way-finding and publicity, Seek grants and build on pervious grant-funded activities, Explore matching opportunities for small initiatives, Maximize value of membership organizations and consortium partnerships, Document policies and procedures centrally and comprehensively, Offer scholarly resources for students in ATLAS courses, Continue promoting unique archival primary source materials in curriculum, Be a catalyst by bridging between schools, divisions, and departments, Encourage open access (Events, Services, Collections), Foster learning and take leadership on copyright and intellectual property. p. 11-16 Librarian Performance Evaluation Form. Fig 2.1. So I had to take a step back. OBJECTIVE 3:Work with Community members and organizations to provide assistance with public events and preservation. Evaluating the impact of your outreach programming involves three steps 1: Explicitly stating outreach goals and mapping them to institutional goals. The ALA Scholarship Program provides opportunities specifically for library support staff as well as master degree programs. Click on Online Learning News to access a list of webinars. Give this topic the precious time and focus it deserves. Librarians are faced with measuring usage, quality of service and strategic performance (i.e., how well the library is achieving its outcomes). Team: In order to increase performance of ELL students on multipart open response test items, I will improve support of ELL students in vocabulary acquisition (content and assessment words), reading comprehension, and persistence through the development of two strategies . OBJECTIVE 2:The Research Support Unit will update online tutorial content addressing critical thinking skills. Goal 3: Deploy Library Services that enable Manhattanville students to make connections within and beyond the College. A assistant librarian resume included this snippet: "library technicians and assistants provide customer service to library patrons and work with librarians, teachers, or researchers." This skill could be useful in this scenario: "delivered high-level of customer service by utilizing interpersonal communication abilities to meet sales goals. A company goal is team goals combined, and a team goal is individual goals combined. Below is a listing of current student assistant job openings. . Selecting a major/minor that complements a library masters degree is helpful, but not necessary, if pursuing a library masters degree is your goal. of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures, United for Libraries (Trustees, Friends, Foundations), Young Adult Library Services Assn. Measuring or assessing the impact of the objectives using qualitative and/or quantitative measures. Goal 2: Ensure that Library Services reflect and enhance academic excellence at Manhattanville. Library Goals and Objectives, Aligned with the Manhattanville College Strategic Plan. If the survey of faculty participating in the Health Science Center Library access program reports favorable experiences, the Director will ask for an expansion of the program to other ASU faculty members in related science disciplines. I love the idea of making reading something you think about before you even walk in. The Media Library Assistant provides several enhancements for managing the Media Library, including: The [mla_gallery] shortcode, used in a post, page or custom post type to add a gallery of images and/or other Media Library items (such as PDF documents).MLA Gallery is a superset of the WordPress [gallery] shortcode; it is compatible with [gallery] and provides many enhancements. The following Library initiatives are in the discussion stages. encourages patients to take an active role in their medical care, results in better compliance with treatment programs, and can help them to comply with instructions if they understand the "why" behind the instructions. Assessment Measure:Each month, the Taskforce will post at least one of the following: original content or share other reputable content on the topic of misinformation. Academic Library Support Staff Competencies: What Should Support Staff Know and be Able to Do? ABLEis a continuing education program provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. Library Mission and Goals Library History Policies & Procedures . S pecific: This goal is specific enough because we can easily imagine what action items it requires. Earn a Promotion. Find more information about what to expect at ALAsExplore your Career PathWhat Library Pages Need to Know,Becoming a Library Assistant or Technician, andWhat Library Assistants and Technicians Need to Know. p. 19-20 SMART Goals Explanation p. 21 TLCPL Evaluation Process - Grid . Administrative Assistant Task: Calendar management . As a follow-up to 'understanding the nursing process' ( Stonehouse, 2017 ), this article examines the importance of goal-setting within the planning stage of the nursing process. OBJECTIVE 1: To help with improving resources and services, Library will conduct usage and satisfaction user surveys. Data about usage quantity can show, to some extent, how much a librarys services and resources have been drawn upon, but usage is not synonymous with value or benefits to users, even though that is a common perception. Secondly, they are used to determine year-end bonuses and merit increases. They may engage in routine activities or supervise and direct other staff. Additionally, I plan to continue to use a monthly menu to help share ideas about ways we can work together. Check whether goal is individual or team; write team name if applicable. The supervisors and managers for the Division of Interpretation and Education at my park have been meeting to discuss, revise, and implement new Employee Performance Appraisal Plans for the past twelve months, using these templates as a launching point. (MG 1 Ob, 1; MG 4, Ob 3; MG 5, Ob 3-KPI 2; & MG 7, Ob 1 & Ob 2). They do not reflect the dedication and talent workers bring to their jobs. Dealing with censorship challenges at your library or need to get prepared for them? Using indicators to measure performance against outcomes. Intended Results:This will bring positive awareness to the WTC and ASU while exposing the public to historic preservation, bringing history to a personal level and demonstrating the opportunities offered by the campus and Collection. Dealing with censorship challenges at your library or need to get prepared for them? 1.1.1 Goal: School library staff understand and make use of ICfL resources. OBJECTIVE 5:To help with professional and support staff development, continue staff development programs. Related Groups, Organizations, Affiliates & Chapters, ALA Upcoming Annual Conferences & LibLearnX. Each state offers certification at different levels. TheALA Online Learningproject connects library employees with a wide range of online training. The Practitioner. Goal: School library staff, IT staff, and administrators are educated about censorship, filtering, and circulation, as well as how those issues affect school libraries and students. Learn how your comment data is processed. Use specific wording. I have served on AASL committees as a member and chair. Performance indicators (PIs), while important, are not critical to delivering the intended results. Find information about Associate, Bachelor's, and Master's library degree programs on the Library Degree Programs page. If the library achieves its aims or goals, there is a high likelihood that the librarys users and the communities it serves will consider it valuable (financially or otherwise). It is just sort of how I think of my part in the puzzle of people who influence a school culture when it relates to reading. OBJECTIVE 2: To support all new proposed programs and/or enhancement of existing programs for accreditation the Librarys Collection Development will evaluate collections of all materials in any format pertaining to the programs. Fig 2.2. While self-evaluations are an opportunity to highlight your stellar accomplishments, they're also a time to self-reflect and assess where you can improve. The great thing about being a library volunteer . Measuring Program Impact. Giving feedback in the wrong way clearly has bad consequences. Managing objectives strategically, then, allows libraries to achieve its desired outcomes and those of its users. Students in preschool and kindergarten will have a fixed schedule, while students in first through third grade will be on a flexible schedule with a specific time set aside for book checkout. (MG 6, Ob 2 & Ob 3). Library Assistant: Alex Y K WONG: 2358-6775: Commons & Media Resources . We often tell kids they should read, but do not show them that we actually read ourselves. Sales leaders and their teams need to track the key performance indicators that help them close more orders. This directory is updated on an annual basis. To perform as a librarian in a challenging, yet rewarding library facility where experience assembling and arranging display materials will be utilized. Compile records, and sort, shelve, issue, and receive library materials such as books, electronic media, pictures, cards, slides and microfilm. Goal 5: Employ responsible financial stewardship in designing and delivering Library Services. Home Blog Topics Advocacy/Leadership 6 Goals for the Library This School Year. You want to use a resume objective statement if you are writing a library assistant with no experirence. Problems and frustrations may arise, but don't give up. Key performance indicators need to demonstrate both the quality of . Outcomes will differ depending on the type of library. (MG 4, Ob 3; MG 5, Ob 3-KPI-1; & MG 7, Ob 1 & Ob 2). 4. And because the BSC framework directly connects goals with measures and projects, that's how we present our . Lewes +1 location. . Do a contract review and higher vendors that offer the same services at a cheaper rate. 12. 2- Circ Clerk I or II Evaluation. The content in these posts is provided "as is; no representations are made that the content is error free. Provides overall direction and vision for a unit or sub-unit, in line with the goals of the Library and University. . With these, the goals continue beyond the timeline provided. I feel like behind the scenes stuff that happens each day are the things I want to make sure I can speak to. However, most require a high school diploma as a minimum. Defining measurable outreach outcomes. Cookie Notice A key result is the ultimate strategic aim, and a key results indicator should give a clear picture as to whether the library is achieving this result. When I shared this idea with other librarians they talked about how they used this to recommend books to students too. since I was traveling into classrooms. Do I Need a Library Science Associates Degree? These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Objective 1.1: Empower innovation and grow new initiatives such as the re-designed First Year Program, School of Nursing and Health Sciences, the ATLAS program, and Design Thinking. Do I Need a Library Science Masters Degree? Notes: Course Number: CCSF GE Area G2. Description. We provide excellent service to all students. Additionally, we have eleven new teachers in our school this year! After this course, I was motivated to get started! OBJECTIVE 6:Plan, schedule, and organize the Librarys 50th Anniversary celebration. Objective 3.3: Provide resources and services that connect to the world beyond Manhattanville, such as Interlibrary Loan, and that promote global awareness. HKUST Library Vision, Mission and Goals; Library Achievements; News. Job Functions. One such event will be the annual meeting of the West Texas Historical Association in spring 2018. For example, the same academic library might report that 98 percent of students were satisfied with their induction session. Use it to list your career goals and the abilities you have which will help you to get there. (MG 4, Ob 3; & MG 6, Ob 2). In addition to the American Library Association's Executive Board's statement on racism, several ALAchaptershavestated their dedication to COVID-19 Resources for State Chapters. Located on theALA Scholarship Programsite, the Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies directory provides a wealth of information about award opportunities from state library agencies, national and state library associations, local libraries, academic institutions, and foundations. Register patrons to permit them to borrow books . Critical success factors need to be systematically monitored and measured through the use of performance indicators (PIs). This would not be my scheduled classes or the things that were on my calendar, but instead were the extras. About two out of three library assistants worked part-time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. When writing SMART goals, keep in mind that they are "specific" in that there's a hard and fast destination the employee is trying to reach. These types of statistics, without any reference to an outcome, are simply measures of usage or busyness. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit. This seems like an obvious one for a librarian. This is a great goal for a company to have. Intended Results:The committee will calculate the savings from using OER resources versus buying textbooks and use this information for promoting the project. Library clerks can expect to check books and other materials in and out of the library, work with audio-visual equipment from time to time, and assist in buying and cataloging library . Assesses library program needs based on state accreditation standards and district and campus goals The Certification Information by State page which is part of this Resource Center, provides links to information regarding statutes mandated by each state. Looking forward to Finding the fun and writing the one great thing a day! I plan to continue many of the reading programs that have already been established, but there are a few things I would like to add this year. Examples: Reduce utilities by contacting utility providers and asking for a free audit of the building, and seek suggestions, lower costs, or free upgrades. The cataloging section of the Technical Services Unit will work with the Collection Development Team in getting the purchased materials into RamCat (Librarys catalog) and available to the campus in a timely manner. Desire to occupy an entry-level librarian position in Cathy Library where 2 years of experience performing daily book review will be utilized. Lead Response Time. Assessment Measure:The Director and other appropriate staff members will work with their counterparts from the Texas Tech University System to explore and plan for cooperative agreements within the System. I am excited about the data that this kind of audit will provide and what it will teach me about my collections and ordering practices. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that specific elements of library and information provision do have positive impact against intended outcomes, and this is often presented through value and impact studies. Click on Online Learning News to access a list of webinars. I have worked in charter, public, and private schools. Objective 4.1: Conduct regular assessments to ensure that users have a positive experience of Library services. One area of management to consider when discussing performance measurement is critical success factors, the areas in which a business or organizations performance must be satisfactory in order for it to perform well. Step 2: Include the following talking points in your agenda: Alignment on big goals. Everyone's job contributes to the overall company success. Modeling. Some informatic, information technology, and data management programs are not library specific and are not included in the Resources by State section unless offered by a library school. that I had used a few years ago. So my goal is to begin building relationships with my new colleagues while making sure to maintain what I have developed with those who are veterans. Again, this is not a measure of performance, although it does go some way to checking and assuring the quality of the service and this too is important in the pursuit of excellence and continual improvement. Library Support Staff Certification Program, Criteria for Programs to Prepare Library Technical Assistants, ALA Certification for Support Staff paper, American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Library Education and Licensing for school libraries. The SAP Solution for the HR function has all the features required to support MBO - Management by Objectives, including. Staff lacking the MLS may be found in the uppermost levels of library management, and MLS holders may be found in positions that normally do not require the degree. Ask for help. Goal 1: Design Library Services that keep Manhattanville at the forefront of individualized liberal arts and professional education. BOSTON UNVERSITY 1998-2007: Held various positions including, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Library Assistant . ", "Milestones of the Library Support Staff Movement". GOAL 3: IMPROVE OPERATIONS OF THE WEST TEXAS COLLECTION AND THE UNIVERSITY ARCHIVE (WTC) (MG 6), OBJECTIVE 1: One of the primary roles for the WTC is to give support for classroom research and assignments by providing research (information literacy) instruction and access to primary and secondary research materials in a variety of formats. The Library will work with an undergraduate marketing class(es) from the College of Business to conduct the survey.