A critical component of clandestine activity is the ability to infiltrate enemy territory ahead of more formal military action. In 1979 the need for a dedicated special operations intelligence unit was solidified following the overthrowing of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. "ISA was divided into branches of signals intelligence (SIGINT) specialists, human intelligence (HUMINT) specialists, and a highly compartmentalized direct action element, the 'shooters'. On the ground, these operatives can use a directional antenna programmed to pick up a specific cellphones signal, even if it was turned off, providing Delta Force with a target building to raid. Some of the more well-documented operations of the ISA shed light on the general nature of the ISAs overall operations. Dozier was taken hostage and mistreated, with the Red Brigades viewing him as an ideological foe that needed to be made an example of. Support Veteran Journalism . SIGINT operations extended to areas with overlapping guerrilla operations, such as Nicaragua, which was facing the increased foe of the Contras. Delta's deployment was stalled by bureaucratic dealings, so ISA mobilized its most compartmentalized unit, the direct action element, the shooters. The forms of intelligence gathered by the Activity include: The Activity is thought to made up of around 300 operators and is under the command of JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command). Russia and Ukraine battle daily in the sky. _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '.specwar.info']); This was the birth of the Field Operations Group (FOG)-later ISA/Secret Army of Northern Virginia. The most important thing to know is that intelligence drives "direct action" operations. ISA members are often multilingual. Fort Belvoir, North Virginia, United States. The CIA was leading extraordinary rendition operations in Somalia in conjunction with the ISA and the help of local warlords. In the summer of 1980, FOG agents were infiltrated into Teheran to report back on the hostages' whereabouts, movements of the Iranians, as well as to recruit local agents. It built a reputation for daring, flexibility and a degree of lawlessness. Everyone in the unit is on on the Department of the Armys Special Roster, which means they dont exist. For obvious reasons, the unit doesnt exactly publicize their makeup. Guerrilla insurgents in Nicaragua composed only one part of the multitude of threats facing the US With cartels all over South America creating chaos for pro-US forces, Pablo Escobar and his cartel were the targets of several US government agencies and departments, including the ISA. In 2003 four troops: A,B,C, and D made up the squadron. Join SOFREP for insider access and analysis. That close-holding of his cards was typical of him. When operatives are in less restrictive environments they can often be seen carrying weapons used by locals, most often in the form of AKs. A team of mandarins was tasked with blocking traffic in the same fashion on the south side of the ambush site, then with following the assault force north to provide rearguard to the convoy. Access to that road saved a considerable amount of travel time for support for an ongoing mission. Highly recommended. But, it was also clear that some form of operational melding was essential to effectively address operational requirements. The Beechcrafts were made to appear normal from the outside, save for a wingspan six inches longer. As such discussing their capabilities is frowned upon. As a result, ISA was almost disbanded, but Army officials succeeded in ensuring its survival, albeit on a much tighter leash. Operatives tradecraft for avoiding detection is impeccable. Smith's book lifts the lid of secrecy on the Activity, one of America's least well known Special Ops units. The ISA specializes in gathering human intelligence, signals intelligence and combat. Operationally, the ISA is a dedicated intelligence group, doing the intelligence leg work for special operations groups. (Source). See Intelligence Collection Directive (ICD) 112, . Delta Force and SEAL Team 6 operators on the loose? The vast majority of their operations are clouded not just in shadow, but in complete darkness. The simple plan called for pipe-hitters to deploy from the states and set up an ambush at a blind S-curve along the generals route. On the one occasion where he accompanied DSCOPS representatives to the Hill for a closed classified session regarding FOG activities, he voiced his concern regarding management, where the Committee Chairman, in plain, but polite language, told him that the Committee was satisfied with the arrangements. The planners in DAMO-ODSO were acutely aware of the different legal authorities contained in Title 10 and Title 50 statutes. The Department of Defense in 1965 outlined its need to be more involved with collecting intelligence, supported by Robert McNamara. ", Sources: _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-21361708-1']); World conditions in the early 1980s suggested that some capability was required to address the ambiguous conflicts of each Title authority into some form of credible operational capability. Cowan traveled the Lebanese countryside pinpointing the locations of Syrian anti-aircraft emplacements. Unless you plan to body-check those cars I would junk up.. Operation Anaconda was, by most standards, a very difficult engagement. How do you guys block?, I dont know how you guys operate. When the CIA took credit for Centra Spike's work, the Army became furious and a competition was arranged between the two units. Its scope is quite large, and it often works in support of JSOC, SOCOM and even other intelligence agencies. "Known as the Intelligence Support Activity, or ISA, when it was established in . The mission support teams help actualize the other major goal of supporting other forces in a battlespace. (Source). During the war on terror it was responsible for hunting hunting high value persons. Zones are prepared, field intelligence is gathered, and targets are laid out for other forces. To operatorsnot so much. They acquainted themselves with the layout and landmarks of the city for future reference. Smith's book lifts the lid of secrecy on the Activity, one of America's least well known Special Ops units. . Most ISA trainees are from Army Special Forces, meaning many have skills in CQC, sniping, counter-sniping and general tactical engagements. (Source) The US military sought to carry out intelligence operations without the direct need of US intelligence agencies. The unit was raised in 1979 as the Foreign Operating Group (FOG), who was created to overthrow the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. Plus, they wouldnt have to load the car back up again the next day what a grand and magnanimous plan that proved to be. US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX and, in recent times, the Mission Support Activity (MSA), is a top secret Army intelligence unit. One selection exercise involved dropping a candidate off in the desert without food, water or means of communication. They discovered there was no co-ordination between them, and vital information regarding terrorist attacks was not being shared. Well, ok we arrived at just around 1630hrs and the mandarin began. The Intelligence Support Activitys operations in El Salvador, under Operation Queens Hunter, demonstrated the effectiveness of the newly founded squadrons mastery of SIGINT and cross-departmental cooperation. The rescue force was forced to launch with sketchy data forcing a worst-case force list. The eventual shootout that ended Pablos life may not have directly involved the ISA, however, its efforts certainly aided in the eventual locating and killing of the cartel boss. However, the CIA couldnt provide these answers so Delta turned to the FOG. action is "necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States, and is A top-secret 'Army electronic surveillance team', was sent to aid the Colombians in August of 1989, as a part of Operation Heavy Shadow. Within these battalions, there is a cyber ops teams, technology ops teams and mission support teams. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! Additionally, ISA gathers SIGINT primarily by intercepting enemy communications or sending an agent to physically bug a target. Intelligence Support Activity The Army's most obscure special-ops unit is the roughly 300-strong Intelligence Support Activity, formed in 1981, which has gone by various codenames over. This was never forthcoming despite the greatest pressure upon the Agency. Army did likewise through DAMO-ODSO. ISA members conducted extensive interviews with Special Forces members in the country, Lebanese Army and CIA and embassy officials. The ISA's HUMINT collectors gather information from human sources via coercion and interrogation depending on the asset. We locked the chain back up behind it and returned to base. Centra Spike was known to operate under several cover names, including Torn Victor, Cemetery Wind, Capacity Gear and Robin Court, and closely matched ISA's description. Wickham did transfer authority to the ACSI with predictable and less than beneficial results. That night, the mandarin and I stashed our car and cut through an orchard whose northwest corner gave way to the bollards and the chain barricade. INSCOM's functional brigades and groups may provide general support, general support reinforcing, or direct sup-port to theaters through intelligence reach, or they may be The CIA proved unable to provide the critical intelligence Delta Force needed, such as the number of guards, the type of weapons they were using and what kinds of locks were on the doors. Unfortunately, the hostages were dispersed throughout the country, and the chance never came for a second attempt, but the seeds were planted for the Intelligence Support Activity. On Gen Meyer's departure, his successor, John Wickham, attempted to disband the unit, but Jack Marsh, in his role as ASD SO/LIC prevented it, and required it be retained, and resourced. RecPak is a meal replacement for the outdoors that saves you weight, space and time in the most challenging environments, just add water. What is the difference between the Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization programs recently developed vs. previous years? While Delta and DEVGRU focus on direct engagement and specialized combat tactics, the ISA conducts intelligence and espionage operations at a tactical level. Gen Meyer demurred on the request, citing the several parts of the world where Army FOG personnel were actively supporting SOF elements, the Agency, and CINC. Featured Book: Immediately after, he would be dropped off in a city, and asked to perform clandestine activities. As the name implies, SIGINT Squadron is responsible for ISAs signals intelligence mission. Every component of the US military was involved in the Invasion of Afghanistan, including the ISA. WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! the Cantor interrupted, youre telling me you put in the camera in daylight hours, and now everyone is supposed to be surprised and sympathetic that its gone?. US News & World Report describes Torn Victor as 'trained as high-risk intelligence gatherers,' a title fitting the ISA. The ISA team left Beirut in January 1984. The Intelligence Support Activity conducts its operations during and in advance of US military operations. Federal Bureau of Prisons Special Operations Response Team (SORT), " Veritas Omnia Vincula Vincit Spec Ops Profile: Intelligence Support Activity, Paris Davis, Black Green Beret in Vietnam, Finally Awarded Medal of Honor at White House, Navy SEAL Dies in Parachute Mishap, 4th Training Death in 14 Months, Special Operations Commander Fired After Being Arrested for Alleged Drunk Driving, Hit and Run, 8 Fun Facts About the USO to Celebrate Its Birthday. Geo, take a mandarin with you, the Cantor directed without looking at me. (Source). "The government realized the importance of the FOG. Rather than disbanding the unit, it was expanded. Part of a Delta-DEVGRU task force, ISA provided intelligence on the whereabouts of Bosnian Serb war crimes suspects. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); by Michael Smith There are also teams within the ISA who can conduct direct action missions should the need arise. Delta troop is tasked with countries that are a softer target for infiltration such as the Philippines or Morocco. But it had no effect on me or what I was doing not for now at least. The plan involved flying feet above the turbulent Mediterranean Sea, at night, through hostile airspace. By the time though, the situation had begun to subside. "On December 17, 1981, Colonel James Dozier, the highest ranking American army officer in the NATO southern European Command was kidnapped by members of the Red Brigade terrorist faction. All rights reserved. This Army Special Operations unit, goes by many names, which is indicative of the various activities, functions and environments performed by these operators. With it, they had a unit of military spies able to covertly infiltrate a country and provide hands-on, critical intelligence, as well as to raise logistical support for counter-terrorist commandos in case of a crisis. This is directed from , waaay above my pay grade yeah, I get it.. The selection process for the ISA prioritizes both a physical skill for field operations and a skill for intelligence operations. They set up protection for the president and installed a security system. Originally referred to as Task Force Orange, other names have included Centra Spike, Torn Victor and Gray Fox. FOG was developed because of a perceived need for greater intelligence-gathering capabilities for the U.S. military. Its skills 'perfected during missions over El Salvador,' Centra Spike honed in on Escobar's cellular phone calls and relayed the information back to Colombian police forces. Failed Clandestine operations, usually result in some form of USG explanation. Key was the requirement to develop a competent counter resolution force. Known as the Confederate Air Force, a joke refencing their title, the Army of Northern Virginia. What does one actually do with such persons? . The breakdown of this squadron isnt known either but it likely contains logistical support for the two operational squadrons. Both the CSA and the Director understood that each offered something the other did not and that together, a much better response capability could be generateda point that POTUS emphasized through the National Security Council to both. The third known squadron is the Mission Support Squadron. (Source). If successful, the candidate would then continue training within ISA in such skills as parachuting, survival, weapons and intelligence gathering. US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX and, in recent times, the Mission Support Activity (MSA), is a top secret Army intelligence unit. The ISA comprises 5 primary elements: administration, training, SIGINT, HUMINT and direct action. Upon return to the Pentagon, he re-assigned the ACSI POC out of FOG-related issues. Little is known about the organization or its activities, but it is clear that they serve as a military intelligence unit and have partaken in numerous missions around the globe. He would be given instructions and equipment along the way, and was required to perform certain assignments, for example, setting up a SATCOM system. So where are the pilots? Barrett is the world leader in long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. (Source) At the time, the Salvadoran Army was facing attacks from leftist groups and more lethal right-wing death squads. The Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), the 1st Capabilities Integration Group (Airborne), or simply The Activity is a component of the US Army and acts as a dedicated intelligence group for SOCOM. Two task forces of JSOC took part in the search and rescue operations, Delta Force and a detachment of the ISA. The operation was codenamed Amber Star, and was a joint US-British-French-Dutch effort to apprehend the suspects. The unit was raised in 1979 as the Foreign Operating Group (FOG), who was created to overthrow the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. (Source) This allowed the forces involved in the surrounding Shahikot Valley to be more informed of enemy movements and positions. The forms of intelligence gathered by the Activity include: HUMINT (HUMan INTellgence) "In late 1981, ISA agents were involved in the attempt to acquire a Soviet T-72 tank, which had obsessed intelligence analysts. Exactly who would execute the direct-action operations, would be determined after the intelligence determine the situational necessities. USSOCOM receives, reviews, coordinates and prioritizes all Defense Department plans that support the global campaign against terrorism. The terrain was extremely rugged, the enemy was far more entrenched than anticipated, and Murphys Law was in full effect. But what if I dont need signal intercept and intelligence gathering support for my mission?, Look, Geo theyre here, theyre queer, and theyd like so say hello just deal with it because theyre not going away. ISA operators would infiltrate either Beirut or Algiers on commercial flights to avoid tipping off the terrorists or the authorities. (. A goodly amount of minutes went by. (Source), Outlined as the primary purpose of the ISA since its inception, intelligence gathering is one of its most essential tasks. Under Operation Winter Harvest, a small team of Delta Force technicians was dispatched to Italy to provide assistance with the search for Dozier. This extra length concealed the main eavesdropping antennas, while others could be lowered from the belly while in flight. As previously mentioned, its members cross train with the CIA, Americas most comprehensive civilian intelligence agency. The ISAs execution of SIGINT monitoring was so successful that the month-long operation was extended to three years. Killer Elite "In 1981, the Central Intelligence Agency, along with a covert helicopter unit, Seaspray, was involved in the secret transport of Lebanese Christian leader Bashir Gemayel back to Beirut after a round of secret talks with the President Ronald Reagan. It was so simple that we didnt even need to create a nursery rhyme to recite to help us remember all the steps. When conducting more integrated operations with other parts of the military, the skill of intelligence support comes into play. It is after all, not a strictly combat-oriented role like its other Tier 1 operators. The decision was made to deploy another ISA unit. Alpha and Charlie troops utilize official cover to collect human intelligence. "In and around Afghanistan, Gray Fox was part of a secret sphere that included the CIA's paramilitary Special Activities Division and the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command. Me, I dont like to be on the delivery end of harsh criticism; however, I do find that whole situation with the mandarins to be just ever so slightly south of sensational, and fairly fundamentally novice! Bickering between the CIA and JSOC further complicated matters. (Source). FOG became permanent and renamed ISA on March 3, 1981. Each of these groups achieves different specialised tasks for their assigned mission. After the rescue attempt, then CSA Shy Meyer, convened a small group of people within Army DCSOPS to address future SOF/CT structure in the aftermath of the failure, and while still under a POTUS mandate, to be prepared to conduct an In-Extremis rescue within 10 days. Tracking dummy targets over Medellin, Centra Spike managed to pinpoint their locations within 200 meters, while Majestic Eagle came no closer than four miles. Hostages were dispersed around Beirut and those with Jewish sounding names were being isolated. Based on photos of ISA operatives and reasonable assumption, they are most likely to carry: For a unit like ISA, firearms are not its primary weapons. ISA has gone by many names over the years but its current one is not public knowledge. Additionally, ISA recruits from other branches of the US military and potentially elsewhere in the intelligence community. US Army Rangers | In addition to covert operations, it provides the war on terrorism with the kind of so-called 'close-in' signals monitoring -- including the interception of cell phone conversations -- that helped bring down Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. It's a Special Mission Unit and conducts highly classified operations. These missions include finding Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, locating Army Gen. James Dozier when he was kidnapped by the Red Brigade in 1981 and taking out observation points in Afghanistan to protect friendly forces in the area. Initially, the raid appeared to be a bust until a Delta operator kicked some debris on exfil. He later commanded both the 1/75th Rangers and the 1st Ranger Training Brigade. He tasked them to install a clandestine video camera (clandcam) framed such that it would record all the license plates of all vehicles turning down a specifically designated road. ISA agents even managed to obtain Lebanese license plates, which would allow Delta to be parachuted in with their own cars, then 'legitimized' with the plates. According to The Secret War by William M. Arkin, published in the Los Angeles Times on October 27, 2002, "The Army created a highly compartmentalized organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and follow through with covert military action.