Guangji Bai and Liang Zhao. Deep Multi-attributed Graph Translation with Node-Edge Co-evolution. To push forward the research on acronym understanding in scientific text, we propose two shared tasks on acronym extraction (i.e., recognizing acronyms and phrases in text) and disambiguation (i.e., finding the correct expansion for an ambiguous acronym). The workshop will include several technical sessions, a virtual poster session where presenters can discuss their work, to further foster collaborations, multiple invited speakers covering crucial aspects for the practical deep learning in the wild, especially the efficient and robust deep learning, some tutorial talks, the challenge for efficient deep learning and solution presentations, and will conclude with a panel discussion. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2020), long paper, (acceptance rate: 26%), accepted. 5 (2014): 1447-1459. While there have been extensive independent research threads on the subject of safety and reliability of specific sub-problems in autonomy, such as the problem of robust control, as well as recent considerations of robust AI-based perception, there has been considerably less research on investigating robustness and trust in end-to-end autonomy, where AI-based perception is integrated with planning and control in an open loop. December 2020, July 21: Clarified that the workshop this year will be held, June 20: Paper notification is now extended to, Paper reviews are underway! The post-lunch session will feature a second keynote talk, two invited talks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (Impact Factor: 14.255), accepted. Dynamic Activation of Clients and Parameters for Federated Learning over Heterogeneous Graphs. To provide proper alerts and timely response, public health officials and researchers systematically gather news and other reports about suspected disease outbreaks, bioterrorism, and other events of potential international public health concern, from a wide range of formal and informal sources. Sign-regularized multi-task learning. In the financial services industry particularly, a large amount of financial analysts work requires knowledge discovery and extraction from different data sources, such as SEC filings and industry reports, etc., before they can conduct any analysis. These datasets can be leveraged to learn individuals behavioral patterns, identify individuals at risk of making sub-optimal or harmful choices, and target them with behavioral interventions to prevent harm or improve well-being. We welcome full paper submissions (up to 8 pages, excluding references or supplementary materials). Inspired by the question, there is a trend in the machine learning community to adopt self-supervised approaches to pre-train deep networks. We invite submissions from participants who can contribute to the theory and applications of modeling complex graph structures such as hypergraphs, multilayer networks, multi-relational graphs, heterogeneous information networks, multi-modal graphs, signed networks, bipartite networks, temporal/dynamic graphs, etc. RLG is a full-day workshop. Onn Shehory, Bar Ilan University (, Eitan Farchi, IBM Research Haifa (, Guy Barash, Western Digital (, Supplemental workshop site: Small Molecule Generation via Disentangled Representation Learning. November 11-17, 2023. Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, insightfulness, depth, clarity, and reproducibility. Submissions tackling new problems or more than one of the aforementioned topics simultaneously are encouraged. Long papers (up to 6 pages + references) and extended abstracts (2 pages + references) are welcome, including resubmissions of already accepted papers, work-in-progress, and position papers. Paper Final Version Due: Monday August 1, 2022. All papers must be submitted in PDF format, using the AAAI-21 author kit and anonymized. The extraction, representation, and sharing of health data, patient preference elicitation, personalization of generic therapy plans, adaptation to care environments and available health expertise, and making medical information accessible to patients are some of the relevant problems in need of AI-based solutions. ; (2) Deep Learning (DL) approaches that can exploit large datasets, particularly Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL); (3) End-to-end learning methodologies that mend the gap between ML model training and downstream optimization problems that use ML predictions as inputs; (4) Datasets and benchmark libraries that enable ML approaches for a particular OR application or challenging combinatorial problems. The thematic sessions will be structured into short pitches and a common panel slot to discuss both individual paper contributions and shared topic issues. Submission URL: For previous workshops held physically, each workshop attracts around 150~300 participants. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2021), (Acceptance Rate: 9.9%), accepted. Self-supervised learning approaches involving the interaction of speech/audio and other modalities. We accept two types of submissions full research papers no longer than 8 pages (including references) and short/poster papers with 2-4 pages. Through invited talks and presentations by the participants, this workshop will bring together current advances in Network Science as well as Machine Learning, and set the stage for continuing interdisciplinary research discussions. The biomedical space has seen a flurry of activity recently, and cyber criminals have amplified their efforts with health-related phishing attacks, spreading misinformation, and intruding into health infrastructure. Dazhou Yu, Guangji Bai, Yun Li, and Liang Zhao. STGEN: Deep Continuous-time Spatiotemporal Graph Generation. Checklist for Revising a SIGKDD Data Mining Paper: Yuanqi Du, Xiaojie Guo, Hengning Cao, Yanfang Ye, Liang Zhao. Maria Malik, Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Rosario Cammarota, Liang Zhao, Avesta Sasan, Houman Homayoun, Setareh Rafatirad. Research efforts and datasets on text fact verification could be found, but there is not much attention towards multi-modal or cross-modal fact-verification. To view them in conference website timezones, click on them. This topic also encompasses techniques that augment or alter the network as the network is trained. A striking feature of much of this recent work is the application of new theoretical and computational techniques for comparing probability distributions defined on spaces with complex structures, such as graphs, Riemannian manifolds and more general metric spaces. The deadline for the submissions is July 31st, 2022 11.59 PM (Anywhere on Earth time). In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020), (acceptance rate: 9.8%), November 17-20, 2020, Virtual Event, Sorrento, Italy, 10 pages. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Registration in each workshop is required by all active participants, and is also open to all interested individuals. Document structure and layout learning and recognition. We hope this will help bring the communities of data mining and visualization more closely connected. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03954 (2022). 2022. The third AAAI Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence (PPAI-22) builds on the success of previous years PPAI-20 and PPAI-21 to provide a platform for researchers, AI practitioners, and policymakers to discuss technical and societal issues and present solutions related to privacy in AI applications. This workshop aims to provide a premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers in different communities to discuss the most recent trends, innovations, applications, and challenges of optimal transport and structured data modeling. Each oral presentation will be allocated between 10-15 minutes, while the spotlight presentation will be 2 minute each. Liang Zhao, Qian Sun, Jieping Ye, Feng Chen, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. Novel algorithms and theories to improve model robustness. Research track papers reporting the results of ongoing or new research, which have not been published before. Aug 11, 2022: Get early access for registration at L Street Bridge, Washington DC Convention Center, from 4-6 pm, Saturday, August 13. This AAAI workshop aims to bring together researchers from core AI/ML, robotics, sensing, cyber physical systems, agriculture engineering, plant sciences, genetics, and bioinformatics communities to facilitate the increasingly synergistic intersection of AI/ML with agriculture and food systems. Because of the time needed to complete the formalities for entering Canada and Quebec, the admission period for international applicants ends several weeks before the session begins. Xuchao Zhang, Shuo Lei, Liang Zhao, Arnold Boedihardjo, Chang-Tien Lu, "Robust Regression via Heuristic Corruption Thresholding and Its Adaptive Estimation Variation", ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), (impact factor: 1.98), accepted, 2019. The submission website is and facilitate discussions and collaborations in developing trustworthy AI methods that are reliable and more acceptable to physicians. Introduction: SIGKDD aims to provide the premier forum for advancement and adoption of the "science" of knowledge discovery and data mining.SIGKDD will encourage: basic research in KDD (through annual research conferences, newsletter and other related activities . Yuyang Gao, Lingfei Wu, Houman Homayoun, and Liang Zhao. Use Compass, the interactive checklist designed exclusively for the Universit de Montral, to carefully prepare your application and to avoid common pitfalls along the way. In the Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), (acceptance rate: 17.9%), accepted, Macao, China, Aug 2019. Integration of logical inference in training deep models. This workshop will follow a dual-track format. We invite paper submission on the following (and related) topics: The workshop will be a 1 day meeting comprising several invited talks from distinguished researchers in the field, spotlight lightning talks and a poster session where contributing paper presenters can discuss their work, and a concluding panel discussion focusing on future directions. Social Media based Simulation Models for Understanding Disease Dynamics. We invite submission of papers describing innovative research on all aspects of knowledge discovery and data science, ranging from theoretical foundations to novel models and algorithms for data science problems in science, business, medicine, and engineering.