1.15.14 In cases where claimants have a named third party as an appointee, this could be due to the claimant being unable to manage their own affairs as a result of a serious mental health condition or cognitive / learning disability. 1.6.42 Clinical findings from a musculoskeletal examination should be recorded in plain English, for example able to place hands at the back of the head, able to reach above the head to help the CM understand the details of the examination. 1.6.76 Claimants are not required to provide evidence that would incur a fee to request a home consultation (unless they already have that evidence available). Preparing for your PIP assessment. This is because they have been deemed incapable of engaging directly with the DWP or its contracted APs. HPs may, however, flag that a DWP CM will make a decision on benefit entitlement based on the evidence available in the case and it is important that they have access to the best evidence. PIP sits alongside support provided by the NHS and local authorities and is not meant to duplicate that support. CMs will decide whether these conditions are met but need advice from the HP on how long the condition has been present and how long it is likely to last. routinely contact GPs of people with mental health problems claiming PIP. 1.8.4 For each activity area, the HP should use evidence to choose one descriptor which best reflects the claimant's ability to carry out an activity, taking into account whether they need to use aids or appliances and whether they need help from another person or an assistance dog. Etc daily living intended to act as a contribution to the extra costs disabled people face in their day to day lives that do not relate to mobility; and. When weighing up the evidence, it is important to highlight any contradictions and any evidence that does not sufficiently reflect the claimants health condition or impairment or the effect on their daily life. 1.2.3 The report to the department should include: relevant history of the claimant, including information on the disabling health conditions or impairments, their functional effects and information on their current medication and treatment, advice on the appropriate assessment descriptors for the claimant, based on consideration of the evidence on file and, if appropriate, the evidence that the HP has collected during the consultation. 1.7.19 If no DS1500/BASRiS has been provided and there is no additional medical evidence, a telephone call to the relevant clinician will always be required. The HP must quantify the proportion of good days to bad, for example if the claimant has epilepsy it is a question of the type, frequency and after effects of the seizures. It's important you prepare - the DWP will use evidence from the assessment to decide if you can get PIP. This will include details of the claimants key supporting health professional and basic information about their mobility. Either before or after your assessment, you should ask the receptionist at the assessment centre for a travel expenses claim form and pre-paid self-addressed envelope. When advising on descriptors and justifying advice, the HP should consider the functional effects of the claimants health on the majority of days. How to prepare for a PIP assessment in person, over the phone or by This is to ensure the safety and privacy of staff and other claimants. In these cases entitlement to PIP may again be triggered and the claimant may re-apply. What type of dwelling does the claimant live in and do they live alone or with others? However, from May 2021, face-to-face assessments have been gradually reintroduced. In these cases, it may be particularly important to distinguish between what a young person can or could do for themselves and what the parent does for them as part of their caring role. having considered all the information and evidence of the case, produce a report for DWP containing information on the claimants circumstances and recommendations on the assessment criteria. When considering such requests, the HP should consider the points outlined above before making a decision on whether a home consultation would be appropriate. His diabetes was not well controlled and he had become depressed. You will need to contact the assessment provider and request a home assessment. 1.15.35 Personal information should never be left on answering machines or voice-mail facilities. 1.15.27 In cases treated under the SREL process, a telephone call to a different health professional should be considered. PIP telephone assessment questions was created by drummer53 I have a telephone assessment tomorrow and I've been through all the guides but can find anything about what to expect in a telephone assessment, like what questions they ask or how they trip you up. The AP then conducts the assessment, gathering any further evidence necessary before providing an assessment report to DWP. Reports produced during consultations require the most content, as HPs will need to record the discussion, observed findings and conclusions from the consultation. What is the PIP medical assessment?. 1.1.9 If the claimant is unhappy with the decision on their award, they have the right of reconsideration and, if a claimant disagrees with the reconsideration, they have the right to appeal to His Majestys Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS). 1.8.9 Exportability cases are identifiable by the fact that the claimants address will be outside the UK and there will be a PIP2 (exp) with the case. 1.6.25 The typical day is a tool used to explore the claimants perception of how they manage their daily living, and the nature and extent of the functional limitations resulting from their health condition or impairment. In addition, variability in a condition may suggest findings which initially seem inconsistent. A companion should be in the room for an examination only if both the claimant and the HP agree. So we give the right advice for you, can you answer which Nation you're from? They need to use that actual phrase. structure and follow a path to a location you know and it doesnt concern much on how you get there, structure and follow a bus or train path to a place you dont know, Deal with places that you dont recognize, if necessary, leave the house due to stress or anxiety, you need help and assistance but dont receive it, your stress, anxiety or other mental health concern make it hard for you to go out, you find it difficult to deal with sudden changes to travel, for instance, roadworks or diversions, you only try travelling during quiet periods of the day, for instance, when the shops arent busy or theres less traffic on the road, someone assists or encourages you to go out, your mental health concern makes using a bus or train challenging, you cant structure a path to an unfamiliar location yourself, you find it hard to deal with sudden changes to a trip, for instance, bus diversions, train cancellations. Couple of pip questions post telephone asessment - Scope This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge . hi everyone, had a pip telephone call at 10.30 this morning at 11.35 I was talking to myself the assessor was gone,I rang pip to ask what was going on only to be told I've got to wait 5 days then ring them back as my case had gone back into the back office but if I wait by my phone the assessor will ring me back,I waited . You may be asked to provide medical evidence as to why you cant attend the assessment centre. However, in cases of doubt HPs may be asked for advice, based on their knowledge of the disabling effects of physical and mental health conditions and considering the evidence of the case. It is also recommended that the HPs could also consult with clinical coaches or other experts prior to the assessment for advice and support on how conditions present and how this might affect function. 1.1.12 Each activity contains a series of descriptors which describe increasing levels of difficulty with carrying out the activity. If you say you came alone on the train, theyll make a note that you can travel alone on public transport. HPs may be able to observe relevant aspects of the claimant's appearance for example how well kempt they are and whether they look under or over weight, during face to face consultation. 1.7.10 SREL referrals will not contain the claimant questionnaire due to the need to process claims quickly. HPs should be mindful that the level of analgesia used does not necessarily correlate with the level of pain. The advice should fully justify why the claim is being treated under the SREL process. PIP telephone assesment today MoneySavingExpert Forum However, it should be noted that the named appointee, be this a corporate or individual appointee, can nominate another person to represent them at any consultation. 1.15.9 Depending on how it is worded, consent may only cover a particular stage in the processing of a claim, and thus fresh consent may need to be sought. You are awarded points for each activity, based on your ability and how much help and assistance you need to do it. 1.6.72 Consultations may potentially be carried out at a variety of locations and some will need to be carried out at the claimants home. If you have a disabling condition that makes you housebound, you can also request for a home assessment. This is very important if you are assessed on a better day. 1.12.3 In some cases however, claimants may not be able to engage effectively with the claims process, due to reduced mental capacity or insight for example, they may not understand the consequences of not returning a claim form and not have a PAB to help them. It is intended to supplement the contract documents agreed with APs as part of the commercial process, providing guidance for health professionals (HPs) carrying out assessment activity and for those responsible for putting in place and delivering processes to ensure the quality of assessments. The advice given by the HP on prognosis will help the CM decide on the type of award. I am worried about the cost-of-living crisis, Requesting adjustments to the PIP assessment, Planning your journey to the PIP assessment, How to claim travel expenses for your PIP assessment. She tries to find support for vulnerable men and women in abusive relationships. everything you need to know before the call - Daily Record Each descriptor has a score. PIP for mental health | Industry News | Independent Living The horror stories are, if anything, even worse than they were in May of this year. In a reasonable and attainable time: Does it take you a lot more amount of time to do the activity than it would take most people. 1.6.54 Consultations should predominantly be between the HP and the claimant. Advice should be clear, succinct, justified and in accordance with the consensus of medical opinion. The DWP will wait 7 working days for the DS1500 to be returned before making a referral to the AP. You are found capable if you did the following movements and other activities: The health professional will place their observations in your form and then place some reviews about your results in your examinations. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. 1.4.15 Where necessary, HPs may seek further information from claimants by telephone. Nine months later both lower limbs were amputated following a road traffic accident and he applied for PIP again. The physical exam will only involve you performing simple movements, if relevant to your condition and within your capabilities. We explain the following: Firstly, you shouldnt expect the PIP assessor to be favourable towards you. A review is not likely to be considered necessary., no review required The claimant has motor neurone disease with high levels of functional impairment in the daily living and mobility activities. 1.8.15 If the HPs opinion on descriptor choice differs from information provided by the claimant, the HP should draw on evidence to fully justify their advice to the DWP. #7. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Not sure how it will work with me talking rather than the person as only they can describe their day to day difficulties. 9 weeks from the point of referral to the Assessment Provider to a decision being made on the claim. Any relevant side effects which affect the claimants functionality should be recorded here and an indication of the effectiveness of any treatment provided. Claimants who have recently completed a cross border move from Scotland to England/Wales may instead provide the Scottish equivalent form BASRiS (Benefits Assessment under Special Rules in Scotland), where the BASRiS form is less than 6 months old. Capita telephone assessment Scope | Disability forum This could include advising on the nature of a diagnosis, the use and significance of medication, the interpretation of functional examination findings, the significance of special investigations and the nature of surgical or other treatments, requesting non-prescriptive advice of a general nature on the likely functional restrictions arising from a specific health condition or impairment, requesting advice on whether a claim is being made for substantially the same condition as a previous claim, to inform a fraud investigation (such requests are likely to be rare). Other conditions might be unlikely to see significant changes in impact, which might suggest a longer period between reviews. How to claim PIP if you have stress, anxiety or depression and get up 1.10.8 Selecting the Yes box will indicate that the claimants functional restriction is likely to still be present at the recommended point of review, regardless of whether it is likely to improve, remain the same or deteriorate. This would be considered together with other factors such as their manner, hearing ability, walking ability during the history taking, through to the conclusion of the consultation. However, if findings are expressed as a measurement, the HP should put this into context for the CM by also describing the range with reference to the normal range of movement, for example he can turn his head to the right by 40 degrees, which is about half normal movement. In such cases the claimant may not be able to give an accurate account of their health condition or impairment, through a lack of insight or unrealistic expectations of their own ability. Failure to provide this may result in the advice being returned for clarification or rework. The fact that consent has been given (or not) will be made clear in the referral from the DWP and APs should always check that this has been provided. The healthcare professional will ask you questions and note down your answers. 1.15.16 An appointee can be either a named individual, or an organisation (usually with an advocacy role), known as a corporate appointee. 1.7.30 If evidence that a claimant meets the Special Rules criteria is uncovered following receipt of the claimant questionnaire or additional evidence in a non-SREL claim, then advice should be given to the DWP that the claimant fulfils the criteria for SREL and the case should then be treated as an SREL referral. It is paid to make a contribution to the extra costs that disabled people may face, to help them lead full, active and independent lives. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You are going to go through some activities in the PIP assessment with questions on mental health and these kinds of activities last for 60 minutes: You can learn more about what goes on in a psychological examination by buying this book on this website. 1.5.1 HPs should carry out assessments using a paper-based review in cases where they believe there is sufficient evidence in the claim file, including supporting evidence, to provide robust advice to the DWP on how the assessment criteria relate to the claimant. What benefits are available for mental health carers? 1.2.1 The HPs role is to assess the overall functional effects of the claimants health condition or impairment on their everyday life over a 12 month period, using the assessment criteria. mobility intended to act as a contribution to the extra costs disabled people face in their day to day lives that relate to mobility. This free money management tool is specifically for people on Universal Credit. It is not a diagnosis of your condition or a medical examination. 1.6.36 When considering mental health medication HPs should remember that not all claimants with a mental health condition will be on medication or receiving therapy. 1.9.5 The advice should take into consideration that even though in some conditions there may be no expectation of improvement of the underlying condition, it may be possible for the claimant to adapt given sufficient time or with appropriate treatment and/or support, thereby reducing the effects on functional ability. It is vital all advice is sufficiently evidenced. (More information on the additional support marker is in the following section.). T he government's abolition of the disability living allowance (DLA) and its replacement with personal independence payments (PIP) means that people with disabilities - many of whom had been told. Informal observations are of importance to the consultation, as they can reveal abilities and limitations not mentioned in the claimant questionnaire, supporting evidence or during the history taking for the consultation. The roll-out of PIP to existing DLA claimants commenced from October 2013. These kinds of payment are given by the PWD to the people who are suffering from a long time illness or some physical disability to support them with their daily lives. HPs enable CMs to make fair and accurate decisions by providing impartial, objective and evidence-based advice. 1.1.7 If the claimant questionnaire is not returned and the claimant has been identified as having a mental or cognitive impairment, the claim will be referred directly to the AP for assessment. In April 2019, for the new claims cleared under normal rules, the average PIP claim took: 13 weeks from the point of registration to a decision being made on the claim, and. PIP Assessment Questions On Autism | OptimistMinds 1.4.12 Should harmful information other than the claimants condition be present either contained in supporting evidence or identified at a face-to-face consultation this should be recorded separately on the harmful information note (PA7) or within the harmful information screens in the PIPAT or PIPAT mobile and clearly marked as harmful. You can ask for an adjustment of your appointment date for your PIP assessment with questions on mental health by calling your assessment provider using the contact number in the appointment letter. Where can I get support for my mental health? This new document has been designed to focus on the information to be checked at the award review stage and to determine whether there have been any relevant changes in the claimants condition(s) or needs across all descriptors since their current PIP award began. If you have any questions about PIP assessment questions on mental health, please let us know and the team will gladly answer your questions. Healthcare professionals who carry out face-to-face assessments of benefit claimants have lied, ignored written evidence and dishonestly reported the results of physical examinations, according to a two-month Disability News Service (DNS) investigation. If you plan to do so, you should call the assessment centre in advance explaining that you wish to record the assessment they will explain what guidelines you will need to follow. 1.9.1 Entitlement to PIP is dependent on the functional effects of a health condition or impairment having been determined as likely to have been present at the required level for at least 3 months and being expected to last for at least a further 9 months. Some problems have improved, some have got worse. You can deal with someone you dearly loved who has a terminal illness by buying this book on this website. Well enough: For example, you may be able to make a meal, but you will not be able to eat it if it is undercooked. The HP should also include what relevant investigations have been carried out or planned for the future. Dec 16, 2020 This section also covers other areas on which HPs may be asked to provide advice. This report presents the key findings from the surveys of claimants who took part in a telephone health assessment as part of their benefit claim for Personal Independence Payment ( PIP. If help is given from another person, the HP should record the type of help, why they need help, who gives it, how often and for how long. 1.3.8 APs should seek additional evidence from professionals involved in supporting claimants where HPs feel that would help inform their advice. Hi everyone, Thanks for letting me onto the forum and for all your help! You can request a copy of your report once the DWP writes to you with a decision. This will also indicate the assessment centre that you will be assigned to take your PIP assessment with questions on mental health. In addition, the guidance is not a stand-alone document, and should form only a part of the training and written documentation that HPs receive from APs. 1.6.69 The HP has a duty to protect the confidentiality of the information obtained during the consultation. 1.7.9 The DS1500 gives factual information about the claimants condition, any treatment received and any further treatment planned. D. Deleted member 92692 Former member. Should the AR1 be subsequently received by the DWP, it will be tasked to the document received work queue for the appropriate AP. At this stage claimants are encouraged to provide any supporting evidence they already have that they feel should be considered alongside their claim information for example evidence from a health or other professional involved in their care or treatment. 1.15.22 Proof of consent given by claimants need not be routinely sent by APs when requesting further evidence. 1.3.6 On receipt of a referral from DWP, the HP should conduct an initial review of the case file to determine whether: the claim can be assessed on the basis of the paper evidence held at this point (a paper-based review), a consultation will be required. What benefits are available for mental health carers? This includes our assessment report and your questionnaire and further evidence. 1.10.1 The HP will be asked to provide advice on when it would be appropriate to review the claimants claim to PIP. Personal independence payment (PIP) is the disability benefit for working age people, replacing disability living allowance (DLA). It must be the claimant who attends any consultation. He lives in supported accommodation and there has been no change to his functional ability in the last few years. Consultations should predominantly be between the HP and the claimant. PIP assessment guide part 1: the assessment process - GOV.UK To get the PIP, one has to fill out a form. 1.6.44 If an area of function is examined, the HP must record all findings in the assessment report, even if function is found to be normal. They should not simply request evidence from all professionals identified as standard. If you cant attend your appointment, you must contact the private assessment provider who sent you the letter immediately their contact number will be in your letter. He requires significant support from his carer and his needs are only likely to increase due to the progressive nature of his condition.. The information gathered forms part of the suite of evidence and should be included in the assessment report provided to the DWP and referenced in their advice. This PIP assessment question on mental health is important for people who may be suspected to have hearing complications, learning complications, autism, stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns. Your medical assessment will be conducted by a private organisation - Independent Assessment Services (IAS - delivered by Atos) or Capita who have been contracted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Assessments may still be carried out by telephone or video, but you might be asked to attend an assessment centre. The claimant or their representative may also be able to provide updated information on treatment received or planned. They should also include information where the claimant has given up work or changed their job due to the functional limitations of their health condition or impairment. Safely: Can you do the activity without causing danger to yourself or someone else? 1.15.33 The DWP takes confidentiality very seriously and all confidential information should be held securely and in accordance with legislation. The claimant must not be assessed if they are on their own. Repeat claims to PIP by individuals who have developed a new condition will be treated as entirely new claim and have to fulfil the qualifying period of 3 months. 1.4.10 In all cases and on all forms the HP completes when giving advice, the HP should check their advice for any information which could be seriously harmful to the claimants health if it were disclosed for example, a poor prognosis that is unknown to the claimant or a diagnosis of a psychotic illness in a claimant who lacks insight into their condition. 1.5.2 In some cases there may be sufficient information to advise on the majority of activities, but which leaves small gaps that it has not been possible to fill through obtaining further evidence or by contacting the claimant. Here's my experience as a disabled woman, you can read about my condition in my chronic journey blog post. Are Telephone assessments suitable for PIP claims? - Rightsnet Explain how your mental health needs are different on a bad day. The PA6 may also be used for changes to advice that does not relate to descriptor choice, for example prognosis. You are most welcome to join today! PIP for mental health assessment may include questions about the person's ability to do the following things: communicating with other people reading and understanding written information planning a journey or following a route preparing and cooking food eating and drinking moving around managing your treatments washing and bathing The supplementary advice option will be used where the report overall is fit for purpose but there is a need for some aspects to be clarified further. As mentioned before, the PIP assessment with questions on mental health will be focusing on how your mental health condition may be impacting your life. You can learn more about autism in affected people by buying this book here. 1.14.5 Considerations that the HP should make include, but are not limited to: whether the claimant has a condition which is likely to have fluctuations in the functional effects over time, whether the claimant has a condition which is likely to have sequelae which cause deterioration or fluctuation of function, whether the condition is the same condition but with a different diagnostic label - for example mitral valve disease / mitral stenosis, whether the original diagnosis has been amended but the underlying impairment and functional effects remain the same for example bronchial asthma in the past but now suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is substantially the same condition, whether the same condition is present and responsible for the functional effects but deterioration has occurred due to a second condition. PIP telephone assessment | Page 2 | Mental Health Forum Unanswered threads Talk with people who know what it's like! Source: PIP Statistics to January 2021, Table 1. 1.3.13 If further evidence is requested and returned, a further PA1 or the relevant screen in PIPAT should be completed to inform DWP of the next steps after the review of the further evidence. This document must be read with the understanding that, as experienced practitioners and trained disability analysts, HPs will have detailed knowledge of the principles and practice of relevant consultation and examination techniques and therefore such information is not contained in this guidance. There may be very occasional circumstances where the claimant reasonably requires the support of more companions and this would be acceptable. Cost-of-living crisis and your mental health. 1.6.62 Video recording of consultations is not permitted. 1.8.5 Before selecting a descriptor, the HP must consider whether the claimant can reliably complete the activity in the manner described in the descriptor, taking into account whether they can do so: 1.8.6 The HP must also take into account that most health conditions or impairments can fluctuate over time.