This acknowledgement pays respect to the traditional custodians, ancestors and continuing cultural, spiritual and religious practices of Noongar people. The City of Rockingham has close connections with the local Aboriginal community, and these ties have been forged through our Aboriginal Advisory Group and the implementation of the recently adopted Reconciliation Action Plan 2021 - 2023. The location is North Thomson Bay, next to the Visitor Centre. Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat. Classes for Noongar and non-Noongar alike aid in the transmission of knowledge. And natural grasses grew all along the banks and they were encouraged to grow there, and the main encouragement for them to grow there was the use of fire. Noongar PrayerNgaala Maaman WaangkNgaala Maaman ngiyan yira moonbooli Moodlooga. Now, the reason they cried by the sea was because we believed in our old way that people were buried out there under the ocean. I am delighted to lead the Shire of Toodyay's commitment towards . So thats why we always come to this Minningup. We pay our respects to Noongar elders past and present, and acknowledge their wisdom and advice in our teaching and cultural knowledge activities. 2, (of 2) published in 1841, identify a common language between Perth and King Georges Sound (Albany). Noongar language is not only a way of communicating; it is a statement of who we are. In the conflict that ensued, Yagan was both feared and admired by Europeans as a freedom fighter defending his land. AFL scene having such a key community event being held on Noongar country," he said "As for us . Click on the link to view Horton Map. In the past, as Kevin Fitzgerald said, a fly lizard was put on a childs tongue for them to learn how to pronounce Noongar language. Hear the first names of our ancient sites, used long before they were changed bySwan River colonists to venerate the English origins of their new society. Arranging a Welcome to Country ceremony, which acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, shows respect for Aboriginal people. Some Noongar place names and their meanings are in Noongar Wangkinyiny. Journal of Biogeography 27: 1257-1268. All the others would cross at Matagarup the Causeway mark, um, means the water only comes up to your knees. Noongar have always been engaged in trade right back well before settlement. There are no set protocols or wording for an Acknowledgement of Country, though often a statement may take the following forms: General:"Id like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today. The Whadjuk are just one of the 14 tribes of the Noongar people. [iii]George Fletcher Moore, A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use Amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia (London: Orr, 1842),,p.68, [iv] Bates, D. Aboriginal Perth: Bibbulmun Biographies and Legends. Pibelmun Noongar would trade local goods such as: Booka/Boka/Bwoka: yongka (kangaroo) skin garment made from several skins of the female kangaroo and used for warmth and protection from the rain in winter. Burdun: a light, straight spear made from the mungurn (swamp wattle) collected from the local swamps. Choota: A possum or kangaroo skin bag used by the women to carry children or food collected while travelling between campsites. Gidgee-borryl: the dreaded quartz edged spear which in post-settlement times was glass tipped., UFC 284 Athletes Experience Welcome To Country Ceremony In Perth, Viviane Arajo Fight Week Interview | UFC 285, What It's Like To Fight Jon Jones? Your people have come back. It was known as the Mandura (Mandurah derives its name from this activity) which was a type of fair or meeting place where goods or presents were exchanged amongst the Noongar in the south-west during the Bunuru or summer season. A recorded audio Welcome to Country is available to all at the Koora-Yeye-Boordawan-Kalyakoorl (Past-Present-Future-Forever) sculpture at the end of the main jetty. 2000. We acknowledge Noongar people as the original custodians of this land. Whadjuk People is also the name of the registered Native Title claim 2011. A Whadjuk Noongar contact database of businesses is created and these partnerships are acknowledged formally. Conduct Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony before the NAIDOC Week assembly. The common language between neighbouring Noongar dialectal groups enable us to communicate and trade. She is saying this to the daughter of her daughter. All rights reserved. People going to ceremony would be going on business but when it wasnt ceremony time those people would still go and visit other areas and then when they would come for a visit they would bring with them gifts and exchange. Doolan Leisha Eatts talks about Badjaling reserve and how the missionaries stopped the children from speaking Noongar. There are 14 identified dialect groups within this Nyoongar region. Hello, welcome to my home country Knowing the Noongar language can open up a new world into our culture and also give a sense of place. However, it had, uh, different dialects of that language. Whadjuck Noongar would bring these items for trade: Boka: a kangaroo skin garment used for keeping warm and dry. Bo-ye: a rock for kodja, tabba or grinding stones. Bu-ruro: a possum hair neck band worn as an ornament. Bu-yi: a nut from the zamia plant that once treated, was fit to roast and eat. Dardark: a lime white clay used to paint the body at festivals. Kodja: a hammer or axe, broad and blunt at one end and sharpened at the other. While missions set out to break the chain of learning Noongar culture and language, grouping Noongar people together allowed parents and Elders to continue to pass language on to the younger generation. Matter of fact I didnt learn to speak English properly until I was about seven. Aboriginal: An original inhabitant of the Australian continent and nearby islands. Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar. So whenever we come back now my cousin died the other day so we come back here, bring his spirit home because this is where he belong here. And that was only one thing, the other thing was to teach em not to talk in their language, to teach em to talk in the EnglishDoolann Leisha Eatts, oral history, SWALSC, 2003, Noongar language has survived despite the impact of settlement and dominance of English. I say dembart yaarl koorl Grandfather come here or deman yaarl koorl Grandmother come here. Where we get the confusion sometimes with our Nyungar language is the writing down of it. I know Noongar words. marlee swan, beeliar river, boorn wood/tree, nyingarn echidna, koorlbardi magpie, kitje spear; koornt camp, balga grass balga tree. This name is also in use by Palawa people who are originally from Tasmania where Lowanna is the word for woman. A Welcome to Country ceremony is performed by a recognised elder of a clan that has ancestral links to the land. Alira/Allira/Allyra. Whadjuk means \"The guardians of the link between the land and the sea\", this link being the Swan River. We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the traditional custodians of this country and its waters and that Murdoch University stands on Noongar country. The area now known as the City of Armadale was originally occupied by the Noongar people many thousands of years before European settlement. Shane Abdullah, Richard Walley and James Webb perform at National Native Title Conference Welcome to Country 2008 . Alinta. Describing many newly discovered, important, and fertile districts, with observations on the moral and physical condition of the Aboriginal Inhabitants &c. &c., T. and W. Boone, London, 1841. Respect . click here to add your name to SWALSCs list. Maaman maar barang ngaalang, Noonak waangk birdiyar. Kaya noonakoort. They will talk to you about the process and where appropriate supply with you approved names. The Noongar Language and Culture Centre was set up by concerned individuals and has now grown to include offices in Bunbury, Northam and Perth. A maam (man) calls his yok koorta. We look forward to welcoming you to Wadjemup / Rottnest Island soon. There are several projects which have begun to record the oral history and language of older Noongar men and women. 1851 (edited and translated in 1977 by E.J. We dont want any heathens in this school. I am a Noongar. For instance, Ngooloormayup, known as Carnac Island; Meeandip, known as Garden Island; Gargangara north of Armadale; and Goolamrup, the suburb known as Kelmscott. So it was really important. The City of Fremantle acknowledges that there is a wide diversity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including different cultural groups with . A Welcome to Country is delivered by Traditional Owners. Acknowledgements are often made at the start of an event such as a meeting, speech or formal occasion. undertake a Welcome to Country, if it is taking place in Noongar country; recommendation on a staff member to contact to organise a Welcome to Country if the event will be held outside of Noongar country; assistance with wording and pronunciation of Acknowledgment Statements in Noongar country, through delivery the of Noongar Nguny djurapin, nguny koort djurapin wanganiny noonakoort. Digital content Australian Broadcasting Corporation (except where otherwise indicated). However, the language generally referred . It was made from peppermint shafts. Ingrid is the founder and principal consultant of Kart Koort Wiern consultancy, representing First Nations Business globally for over ten years, and an alumni of Murdoc Join the Joyous Celebration of Meeukang Warangka ba Kenniny. We need to commit to reinvigorating our cultural heritage and teach our kurlonggur (children) so that they know where they come from, once they learn the language they can start to make that connection to their cultural identity and heritage and go forward with pride into the future.Sandra Harben, SWALSC, 2012, My name is Bianca. Thank you for the opportunity and inviting me here this evening to share with you my story and 'Welcome to Country'. Ngany moort koorliny noonook. But it is Nyungar language and not many people realise that this is the case. 'Welcome to Country' will be included (but is not limited to) the following events: . In Noongar language, Fremantle, Rottnest, Perth and Albany are known as Walyalup, Wadjemup, Gabbi Darbal and Kinjarling. Privacy Statement | Site Map | Contact, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, Collaborative and Responsive Engagement (CARE) Hub. Bring them home and then you sing to them. Find out more about our commitment to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. You would have, uh, Point Walter. And we come to this place here today to show respect to him plus also to meet our people because when they pass away this is where we come to talk to them. 9. It was explained that it is important to demonstrate the links between stories as they move across Wadjuk/Whadjuk boodja, and between the different cultural boodjas of the Noongar Nation. Hey, Im super keen to learn to speak more fluent language, and my girl always asking me what the noongar word for this n that are. This spelling is still used when teaching Noongar language in schools. Noongar Language and Culture Centre (Aboriginal Corporation), Bunbury, 1992, [xv] Bindon, Peter and Chadwick, Ross. Starting at 10:15 am every day from 3 January to 5 February (excluding public holidays). The approximate size of the Whadjuk region is 5,580 km. Kooranyi noonak korl. Just wondering if you know of any language courses running for us wadgellas, round Perth. [v], So trade in Nyungar country is very, very old, thousands of years old.Dr Richard Walley in van den Berg, Collard, Harben and Byrne, Nyungar Tourism in the South West of Western Australia, Murdoch University, 2005, Many places in the south-west have been named by Europeans, after European towns and people, such as Perth and Albany. Koort is heart. Whadjuk Elders & Speakers Welcome to Country List keyboard_arrow_right. . This region was part of Mooro Country, the district of an important Whadjuk Noongar elder and leader Yellagonga. Early explorers had no English names for many of the species that occur in the south-west of WA. IMPORTANT: The following video has been compiled for educational purposes only. Wort koorl deman, that means go away grandmother. Stay connected and be the first to hear about new experiences, events and special offers. Historical People: Includes people living in a particular area, but who do not have ancestral links to the area, or have come from outside the region they live in. Sit, listen and learn about Noongar language. The kurrlongurr children who were taken away to missions the Stolen Generations were forbidden from speaking our Noongar language. Whadjuk People is also the name of the registeredNative Title claim 2011. [xvi], See long time ago, this is traditional law go back long time with Noongar for a little kid to talk Noongar, old fella get im in is arm and get the fly lizard and he say something and put it on his tongue, and put it away, and that kid hell grow up talking Noongar, fluently.Kevin Fitzgerald, oral history, SWALSC, 2006, Rosezanna Jetta learning Noongar language from Charmaine Bennell at Djidi Djidi school in Bunbury.Courtesy The West Australian. We wish to acknowledge the custodians of this land, the Wadjuk (Perth region) people of the Nyoongar nation and their Elders past, present and future. Courtesy The West Australian, 9 July 2002. Share your own Rottnest Island experiences. I/We wish to acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region., I/We would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held on the traditional lands of the Noongar people. I begin by acknowledging we are meeting on Noongar land and I pay tribute to our traditional owners. This beautiful name is a Gumbaynggir word that translates to girl. Karla koorliny. Metadata Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Education Services Australia Ltd 2012 (except where otherwise indicated). Protocols for welcoming visitors to Country have been a part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures for thousands of years. And then of course, into Fremantle itself. Overall there are many common words in Noongar, for example: kaya = hello, moort = family, boodja = country and yongka = kangaroo. Welcome to country Dive in and explore the wonders of this true aquatic playground. The location is North Thomson Bay, next to the Visitor Centre. The Quokka Hopper is undergoing maintenance and is currently unavailable. These provide knowledge, transferable skills and employability to build relationships between industry, government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups. *Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that our website contains images of deceased persons. These words are used everyday but they sound slightly different from region to region. [ii] This map is just one representation of many other map sources that are available for Aboriginal Australia. They will bury him with his mother and you sing out to him. Mandurah Bridge - on the wall at the western end of the bridge's footpath is a welcome to country written in Noongar dialect. Nyoongar calendar. A child is called a nop. The tide comes in and the river comes up and goes down. The water coming out of the hills would run off and build back up and run around a chain of lakes through where the metropolitan area is now. Storman). Each year the City celebrates such important dates like NAIDOC Week and National Reconciliation Week which celebrate the history, culture and achievements of our Whadjuk Noongar . For nearly two centuries Noongar language has adapted to the impacts of colonisation and survived government reserves and missions, where it was also forbidden for Noongar people to speak our language. Cheers.Kym Rowe. Further, it provides an increasing awareness and recognition of Australia's Aboriginal peoples and cultures. Koolark means Home in the Noongar language. Ngany moort wanjanin. From Wednesday 1 March 2023, Stay Rottnest will no longer accept in-person bookings. A Glance at the Manners, and Language of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Western Australia; With a Short Vocabulary, Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal. Welcome to Country enables the Darug to give their blessing for the event and is an important mark of respect for local traditional owners. Kaya (Hello). Ngalak kadatj ngaalang nedigar wer boordiya koora-koora wer yey! Explores the Islands significance to Noongar people beginning with a traditional Aboriginal sand ritual, a smoking ceremony on the beach, Dreamtime stories, traditional songs and Noongar language. It was up to ten feet long and about one inch in diameter and made from the mungurn (swamp wattle). An Acknowledgment of Country is a way of demonstrating awareness of and respect for Aboriginal protocols and for the Aboriginal people on whose land an occasion is being held. However, the essential elements of welcoming visitors and offering safe passage remain in place. Watch Noongar of the Beeliar for a sense of place around the Swan River. Uh, you would have, um, the Causeway where the people cross there, we call it Matagarup, and, um, going down river, you would then get to North Fremantle, and there's an area in there that is important to us. Two Noongar language groups, the Whadjuk and Yued people, lived and shared cultural areas in the northern parts of the City of Wanneroo for traditions and customs. Palanni waangkaniny. Any individual can perform an Acknowledgment of Country, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. Explore our wide range of courses to find the perfect one for you. 'Nollamara' Nollamara is the kangaroo paw. [xi] Notes from Greys Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North West and Western Australia, Vol. Uh, that flour was mixed with zamia fruit, um, which was also ground into a flour, but you had to treat the zamias to get rid of the toxins out of them, because they can be quite poisonous and toxic to people and uh, you'd die if you didn't treat them right. An Acknowledgement of Country is an opportunity for anyone to show respect for Traditional Owners and the continuing connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country. Boola Katitjin is located on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar People. If you wish to purchase Posters from SWALSC please fill in the SWALSC ORDER FORM. They can provide contact details for a Traditional Owner/Custodian. Noongar names provide significant information about that place: Wadjemup is the place where the spirits go; Gabbi Darbal means estuary, the place where salt and freshwaters mix and Kinjarling is place where it rains a lot.[vii]. 5. Noongar people have lived in harmony with the natural environment . As this was the first full meeting of Council for 2023 the Presiding Member advised it was important to set the scene for the year ahead and welcomed Mr Matthew McGuire to perform a Welcome to Country Ceremony. Welcome to Country & Acknowledgement of Country Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country are important Aboriginal ceremonies. Similar to a Welcome to Country, an Acknowledgement of Country is generally offered at the beginning of a meeting, speech or formal occasion.' ~ Reconciliation Australia. Nyungar wangkiny or speaking and understanding our language is central to our identity. Copyright South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council 2023. Ngany waanginy, dadjinin waanginy kaartdijin djurip. ", Specific: "Id like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the (people) of the (nation) and pay my respects to Elders past and present.". The approximate size of the Whadjuk region is 5,580 km. Our people went as far as Uluru and the centre of Australia and those people from there came back as well. Noongar language has also been adapted into the local English vocabulary, notably with places, plants and animals. Travelling was a big part of ceremony and a big part of trade in those days as well. Let your Noongar tour guides tell you the First Story of this land, before Europeans arrived, invoking the sights and sounds of The Noongar people have lived in the south-west corner of Western Australia for at least 45,000 years. Yagan was born circa 1795 and died in July 1833. There are several language groups that make up the Noongar, including the Whadjuk, who are the traditional owners of the land around Perth. I know who Hagan is. It was written by singer-songwriter Gina Williams, who released an album sung entirely in the Indigenous language of Western Australia. Where the city of Perth is that area was known as Boorloo. That was, like, along the river. The wedjella cut his body up into pieces and put it around Australia. Our program focuses on preserving the karlup (home or heart country) and the traditional knowledge of Noongar people. Noongar Language Facts: The Noongar language is regarded as endangered, with few fluent speakers, although there has been a revival of interest in recent years. The booklet at the link below sets out a comprehensive set of Noongar protocols . Thats why this place important. And I looked at her, you know, she said, You, you! 1.3% of the City identify as Noongar, Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Ingrid Cumming - Custodian & Traditional Owner of Whadjuk Noongar Country Ingrid Cumming is a Whadjuk Balardong Noongar woman from Fremantle, Western Australia and recognised young leader within the First Nations community. Come on a journey through the colonial history of Perth. ", I/We would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held on Aboriginal land and recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of Noongar people in this land.. In the same year, the Western Australian Museum published a Nyoongar Word List by Peter Bindon and Ross Chadwick. In a dispatch of British Parliamentary papers from Western Australia in 1840, Hutt wrote it is only an act of fair justice to the first inhabitants or discoverers of any spot, to retain the name that they may have conferred upon it.[vi]. Hello everyone. The location is North Thomson Bay, next to the Visitor Centre. Join your Noongar guide on an insightful journey into Perths Aboriginal past at beautiful and culturally significant locations. Whadjuk is the name of Traditional Owners of the Perth region including Fremantle. Free daily Welcome to Country hosted by a Whadjuk Noongar Traditional Owner. Trade between our people and people from other nations is well documented. Perth: West Australian Museum, 1989, p.18, [v] George Fletcher Moore, A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use Amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia (London: Orr, 1842),,p.68, [vi] Despatch from Hutt to Marquis of Normanby, 11 February 1840 with enclosure, British Parliamentary Papers, Papers relating to Aborigines, Australian Colonies, 1844, Colonies, Australia, Volume 8, Shannon University Press, 1968, pp.372-3, [vii] Bates, D. Aboriginal Perth: Bibbulmun Biographies and Legends. Speaking Noongar immediately lets everyone know where we come from. Your Noongar guide will take you on an ancient Dreamtime journey with its origins in the night sky. ANU Press, Canberra, 1974. They had come to trade and they brought some medicine and some fire. This is the important part of the river, of the whole Collie River and the Preston River and the Brunswick River, because he created all them rivers and all the waters but here is the most important because this is where he rest. Nyoondool wart boola waangkiny wer djinang ngaalang kwobidak boodjar. Noongar language has been identified as a single language consisting of 14 different dialects, however, being an oral language means there are several ways to spell and pronounce . Bridge (ed. No bookings required, all are welcome to attend. Meet at the first pavilion. Courtesy of SWALSC, kaya hellowanju welcomenidja/yimniny heredjurapin happynyininy/nyin sitNih/ni listenkaartdijin knowledge, learn, From the past, today, tomorrow and the future. When we look at the, the city and we think what parts of this city are really important. The late Tom Bennell (Yelakitj), shared this story about moort (family) relationship names and how moort would have wangkiny (talked) with each other: Deman is the name for Grandmother and Dembart is the name for Grandfather. Using published resources available between 1988-1994 this map attempts to represent all the language or tribal or nation groups of the Indigenous people of Australia. Nyinyak ngaalang nidja kedela ngaala mereny. The wonna was always traded by women at the Mandura. Today, there are many Noongar language classes in schools and TAFE. ABC Education brings you high-quality educational content to use at home and in the classroom. The story of the Charnok Woman is particularly important to Joondalup. See history of suburb names courtesy of Landgate, WA. Welcome to Boola Katitjin - our sustainable, inclusive and tech-enabled learning space. It can be given by both non-Indigenous people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. All our resources are free and mapped to the Australian Curriculum. More current is Hortons map of Aboriginal Language Boundaries. The email address you have entered is invalid, please try a different one. And some of the men folk would cross the river there. I just wheeled around, I didnt have only had a slate and a pencil to leave behind, but I took off and I went.Hazel Brown, oral history, SWALSC, 2008, Joe Northover talks about Minningup Pool on the Collie River. And, uh, there's a, there's a cave there that's we believe where the Waugyl lives, the serpent. She didnt have to tell me twice to get out. Some organisations have developed guides to help you understand more about the protocols and when they are required or appropriate: Search our scholarships to see the ones you could be eligible for. Whadjuk Country Join your Noongar guide on an insightful journey into Perth's Aboriginal past at beautiful and culturally significant locations. Learn about the places that were important to the Whadjuk people and the impacts of colonisation in these early days. Noongar dialects have changed over time, incorporating and mixing with English. 1. It reinforces our group identity, which binds land and people. Yued/Yuat, Whadjuk/Wajuk, Binjareb/Pinjarup, Wardandi, Balardong/Ballardong, Nyakinyaki, Wilman, Ganeang, Bibulmun/Piblemen, Mineng, Goreng and Wudjari and . These fellas only used to stay for a little while, while the ceremony was there and they used to exchange things, you know?Noongar Elder Sealin Garlett in Collard, Harben and van den Berg, Nidja Beeliar Boodjar Noonookurt Nyininy website, 2004, Much of the trade that took place between the different Noongar groups was very dependent on the six Noongar seasons. Biladurang the Platypus. [iii] Daisy Bates records that Goonininup or Crawley Bay was a key camping place on a major trade route used by Nyungar travelling from other areas to Perth in order to trade for the highly demanded wilgi (red ochre).[iv]. And that was an important place for us too. This video. The power of stories being passed down orally is often criticized by people in today's society. [ix] Lyon, Robert Menli. If youre a member of the public looking performers who can provide this service in your area, contact SWALSC. There were some fellas from the north; they came for some ceremony. 7. Take a cultural walking tour with a traditional owner with strong family connections to this land, ancient customs and traditions. . Dyarlgarro Beeliar is known as the Canning River and Derbal Yiragan, the Perth estuary waters. Western Australian Museum, Perth, 1992, [xvi] Kevin Fitzgerald, oral history, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, 2006, Copyright South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council 2023, Nyoongar language from the south west region of Western Australia, [viii] In this way, names, knowledge and the habitat of south-west plants and animals share an identity with, and are locally understood by Noongar people.