Relationship to Root: As collected substances. Combined these mean "man watches". In the sense of stirring the eyes. KJV Translations: evil, evildoer, hurt, wickedly, worse, afflict, wicked, break, doer, ill, harm, displease, mischief Strong's Hebrew #: h.4827, h.7489. 3 The dagesh, mappiq, and shuruk have different uses, but the same graphical representation, and hence are input in the same manner. The Middle Semitic script is also the origin of the Greek letter and the Latin R. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7577, ( ) Action: Grieve, Shout Abstract: Bad, ( common, / ra ) Translation: DYSFUNCTIONAL Definition: Impaired or abnormal action other than that for which a person or thing is intended. The Modern Hebrew, Arabic and Greek names for this letter is tav (or taw ), a Hebrew word meaning, "mark." Hebrew, Greek and Arabic agree that the sound for this letter is "t." The early pictograph evolved into in the Middle Semitic script and continued to evolve into in the Late Semitic Script. ( ) Definition: A woven rug that is laid on the floor of the tent for walking on. In Hebrew, it literally means 'life', 'alive' or 'living' and it symbolizes the value of it. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a head, the is a picture of the tent representing the family. 05: The mountains of Jerusalem 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down 09: Psalm 124 - Kept by the LORD 10: More watermarks of God the Greeks borrowed the sign from Phoenician and reversed/altered its form, changed its name to Rho and made the sign stand for the consonant R. Sin: Tooth: Sh consonant: S: Around 1700 B.C. ( common, / ) Translation: POSSESS (V) Definition: To come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion; o receive from an ancestor at his death; to take possession, either by seizing or through inheritance. ( ) Definition: The trampling over of another with the intent to kill. Passover symbols are often used to represent . ( masc., / ra-hat ) Translation: TROUGH Definition: A long, shallow often V-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or food of domestic animals. KJV Translations: allowance, diet, dinner, victuals Strong's Hebrew #: h.0737, ( masc., / o-rahh ) Translation: PATH Definition: The road or route one travels. KJV Translations: locust, grasshopper Strong's Hebrew #: h.0697. From the width of a road. KJV Translations: fourth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7256, ( masc., ) Translation: FOURTH.PART Definition: As fourth in the order. Alternate Translations: forty (when written in the plural) KJV Translations: four, fourth, forty, fortieth Strong's Hebrew #: h.0702, h.0705 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0703, ( masc., / re-vi-i ) Translation: FOURTH Definition: An ordinal number. Its sound value is one of a number of rhotic consonants: usually [r] or [], but also [] or [] in Hebrew. The whole of the earth or a region. Alt + 1461. The best or most important. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. ( ) Definition: One who follows a prescribed path to arrive at a specific destination. Relationship to Parent: stamping down, ( common, ) Translation: STOMP (V) Definition: [To be verified] To stomp down with the feet. Preface The following presents a simple Aramaic / Hebrew letter formula which reveals deep meaning into Biblical words. KJV Translations: wash, bathe, trust Strong's Hebrew #: h.7364 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7365, ( masc., ) Translation: BATH KJV Translations: washpot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7366, ( fem., ) Translation: BATHING KJV Translations: washing Strong's Hebrew #: h.7367, ( ) Relationship to Parent: traveling, ( common, / r.k.b ) Translation: RIDE (V) Definition: To sit and travel in any conveyance; to sit astride an animal, wagon or chariot. ( common, / a.r.k ) Translation: PROLONG (V) Definition: To lengthen or delay. Relationship to Parent: binding, ( common, ) Translation: ATTACH (V) KJV Translations: bind Strong's Hebrew #: h.7573, ( masc., ) ( fem., / rit-mah ) Translation: JUNIPER Definition: A species of tree, possibly the Juniper. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: creeping, moving Strong's Hebrew #: h.7431, ( masc., ) Translation: TRAMPLED Definition: [To be verified] A place that is tread upon. And, the book introduces the Inner Guidance Number, a powerful tool for accessing our inner knowing. Modern Hebrew characters are different from ancient Hebrew. ( masc., / ram ) Translation: RAISED Definition: Lifted up in position or in exaltation. Combined these mean "man through the door". Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a door that allows entrance into the tent. KJV Translations: street, ways, place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7339, ( masc., / ro-hhav ) Translation: WIDTH Definition: Largeness of extent or scope. Hebrew Alphabet Meanings, Symbols and Ideas About Creation ( ) Definition: Ones will and desires are written on potsherds as messages to another. Continuously. Also, the top millstone as a wheel that rides on top of the lower millstone. KJV Translations: pavement Strong's Hebrew #: h.4837. ( ) Definition: A granting permission to marry. KJV Translations: ruin Strong's Hebrew #: h.2034, ( fem., ) Translation: RUIN Definition: [To be verified] A city that has been broken down into pieces. A person in authority or role of leader. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a foot. KJV Translations: vision, lookingglass Strong's Hebrew #: h.4759, ( masc., ) Translation: MIRROR Definition: [To be verified] A looking glass. Possible solutions to this problem: Adding the word for "thousands". KJV Translations: creep, abundantly, move, breed, increase Strong's Hebrew #: h.8317, ( masc., / she-rets ) Translation: SWARMER Definition: The creature(s) of a large swarm. ( ) Action: Shout, Murmur Object: Rattle Definition: Any loud noise. KJV Translations: first, former, beginning, chief, before, old, foremost, aforetime Strong's Hebrew #: h.7223, ( masc., ) Translation: VENOM Definition: The poison of serpents that comes sacks located in the head. KJV Translations: temper Strong's Hebrew #: h.7450, ( masc., ) Translation: PIECE Definition: [To be verified] Something broken into pieces. Livestock are healthier and more productive when on a routine, therefore the man follows a routine or "a prescribed path" each day when caring for his livestock. ( common, ) Translation: GRIEVE (V) KJV Translations: displease, grieve, grievous, evil, ill, harm, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.3415. KJV Translations: far, long ago, come, afar, old, long, space Strong's Hebrew #: h.7350, ( masc., ) Translation: FAR Definition: [To be verified] A distant place or land. 04: Psalm 121 - Who is He who helps? The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet | AHRC KJV Translations: wealthy, run over Strong's Hebrew #: h.7310, ( ) Object: Form Abstract: Appearance, ( masc., ) Translation: FORM KJV Translations: form Strong's Aramaic #: a.7299. KJV Translations: stone Strong's Hebrew #: h.7275, ( fem., ) Translation: CROWD Definition: [To be verified] As a heap of stones. KJV Translations: high place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7413, ( fem., ) Translation: HEIGHT KJV Translations: height Strong's Hebrew #: h.7419, ( fem., ) Translation: DECEITFUL Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: deceitful, deceit, slothful, false, guile, idle, slack Strong's Hebrew #: h.7423, ( fem., / mir-mah ) Translation: DECEIT Definition: The act or practice of not being honest. KJV Translations: fourth, foursquare Strong's Hebrew #: h.7243 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7244, ( ) Definition: The palate as a bed to lay down on to sleep or rest. KJV Translations: drip, breach Strong's Hebrew #: h.7447. Its sound value is the voiced alveolar plosive([d]). Edenics: mirror KJV Translations: looking glass Strong's Hebrew #: h.7209, ( common, / r.a.h ) Translation: SEE (V) Definition: To take notice; to perceive something or someone; to see visions. KJV Translations: ewe, sheep Strong's Hebrew #: h.7353, ( common, / r.hh.ts ) Translation: BATHE (V) Definition: To cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water. Resh-aleph could be used for the name Ra. KJV Translations: rage, trembling Strong's Hebrew #: h.7268 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7266, ( fem., ) Translation: SHAKING KJV Translations: trembling Strong's Hebrew #: h.7269, ( masc., ) Translation: SHAKING KJV Translations: trouble, troubling Strong's Hebrew #: h.7267, ( masc., ) Translation: CHEST Definition: [To be verified] A box. ( ) Action: See, Observe Object: Crop Abstract: Appearance Definition: The ability to see, perceive or have a vision. As is usual in early alphabets, Early . Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 21 - The Resh It also has the meaning of "two," "again" and "both.". ( masc., / ra-ham ) Translation: LIFTED Definition: Raised up in position or in exaltation. KJV Translations: merchant, trade, pant, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.5503, ( masc., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. ( common, / h.r.g ) Translation: KILL (V) Definition: To deprive of life; to slaughter. This top stone always followed the same path on top of the other. One side of a four sided square. KJV Translations: increase, gain Strong's Hebrew #: h.8636, ( masc., ) Translation: EXTRAVAGANT Definition: [To be verified] Abundant in size, beauty, strength or other character. ( ) Definition: The ancient hand mill consisted of two round stones, called millstones, the top was turned on top of the other to grind the grain. KJV Translations: spirit, wind, breath, side, mind, blast, vain, air, anger, cool, courage, space, enlargement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7305, h.7307, ( fem., / re-wa-hhah ) Translation: RESPITE Definition: A relief from labor, punishment or trouble. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: coffer Strong's Hebrew #: h.0712, ( common, / r.g.l ) Translation: TREAD.ABOUT (V) Definition: To be on foot walking through a foreign land, usually in the sense of spying; to trample another with the tongue. Therefore, "The house of Ra is set" is an equally valid secret message in the first word of the bible, if not superior. ( fem., / re-shet ) Translation: NETTING Definition: A sheet of meshed fabric, cord or metal. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: tread, stamp, trample, oppressor Strong's Hebrew #: h.7429, h.7430, ( masc., / re-mes ) Translation: TREADER Definition: A creature that crawls or creeps on something. KJV Translations: slow, longsuffering, patient Strong's Hebrew #: h.0750, ( fem., ) Translation: LENGTHENING KJV Translations: lengthening Aramaic Spelling: Strong's Aramaic #: a.0754, ( masc., ) Translation: LONG KJV Translations: long, longer Strong's Hebrew #: h.0752, ( fem., ) Translation: REPAIR Definition: [To be verified] A reconstruction or healing that causes longer life. 4 For shuruk, the letter " " (vav) is used since it can only be used with that letter. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. One's desire. Ayin - Wikipedia KJV Translations: high, haughtiness, height Strong's Hebrew #: h.7312, h.7315 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7314, ( fem., ) Translation: PROUDLY Definition: [To be verified] In the sense lifting oneself up. Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh - The Living Word The Hebrew root word H7218 are these three letters, and it means "to shake the head". Numerical values of Hebrew letters - Hebcal Download accompanying notes: Resh 73 x 100 73 in the New Testament 73 in the Old Testament Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh Watch on . 02: Psalm 120 - Going down, to go up. The letter Yod is the most common letter in the Hebrew Torah. KJV Translations: accept, please, pleasure, delight, enjoy, favourable, acceptable, accomplish, affection, approve Strong's Hebrew #: h.7521, ( masc., / ra-tson ) Translation: SELF.WILL Definition: Used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness. KJV Translations: ten thousand, million, many, multiply Strong's Hebrew #: h.7233, ( masc., ) Translation: SHOWERS Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: shower Strong's Hebrew #: h.7241, ( common, / a.r.b ) Translation: AMBUSH (V) Definition: To lay in wait of another to capture or do harm or injury. KJV Translations: gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.6192. ( fem., / ri-ahh ) Translation: AROMA Definition: A distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or savory smell or odor. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: heal, physician, cure, repair Strong's Hebrew #: h.7495, ( masc., ) Translation: DEAD Definition: > KJV Translations: dead, deceased Strong's Hebrew #: h.7496, ( masc., ) Translation: HEALTH KJV Translations: healing, cure, healing, sound, wholesome, yielding Strong's Hebrew #: h.4832, ( fem., ) Translation: MEDICINE KJV Translations: medicine Strong's Hebrew #: h.7499, ( fem., ) Translation: HEALTH KJV Translations: health Strong's Hebrew #: h.7500. KJV Translations: lord, prince Strong's Aramaic #: a.7261. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek agree that the sound for this letter is an "r." ( ) Action: Draw, Spit Object: Grass, Thin, Green Abstract: Empty Definition: Thin green blades of grass that are drawn out of the soil. KJV Translations: savour, smell, scent Strong's Hebrew #: h.7381 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7382, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a path, ( common, / d.r.k ) Translation: STEP.UPON (V) Definition: To take a step. Like other ancient writing systems, the Hebrew alphabet originally was written using a pictographic script.
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