With your 9 SAG 47 Fortuna ascendant you can begin to mark off equal houses at 9 SAG 47 in each sign. Jupiter has a nice dexter sextile to Venus (conjunct LoF) and so offers the prospect of a financially secure future and a long term partner but the square to Saturn will demand that you work hard for it. You can find the most joy if you focus on contribution and making your community a better place with your talents and abilities. This house is a parental house, and it can happen with the Part of Fortune here that this parent can help your advancement and support your well-being. This doesn't mean you aren't also achieving in other areas, but business and home are usually combined. Because your LoF is placed in an unfortunate house, a releasing of its times would show particular periods to be on your guard because luck and help would not be on your side during these times. It really is an integral astrology placement because it is calculated using the biggest three signs in your chart. Well, pisceanfool, I think it is reasonably fair to say Saturn suggests he has given you quite a hard time so far with some pretty tough lessons learned. These three components of the birth chart can be treated as the key building blocks of the personality, your conscious self, emotional nature, identity and physical body. Part Of Fortune In The Houses & Signs Midheaven (MC) involvement. Lot or Part of Fortune In plain English Saturn can affect the sign he is in, and the signs containing the Sun and Jupiter. Although, I am a bit confused in your example to Yoi when you say that any planet in Sag would be fortuna H1. The last four words of the above paragraph are very apt. The second of these three conditions is lunar application which has to do with how long the effects of a particular action may last; applying would be long lasting, separating would mean moderately lasting or separated meaning of even shorter duration. Whether you take advantage of these opportunities is another matter, but knowing when they are working for you is half the battle. However, because of her dignity she is able to rise above it and bring some fortune to your 4th and 5th house activities. Your LoS is in your 2nd house in Pisces; this suggests that when directions and transits that are current time lords are occupying the mutable signs (your natal succeedent houses) these times will be generally favourable to you in that they will be providing opportunities which could be beneficial to you. With half the solar system in Pisces (plus Pisces ruler Jupiter) you are quite spiritually evolved, and like I said, you are nobody's fool (well maybe your own, lol). The Part of Fortune Conjunct Midheaven Yoi, your LoF is in the 7th which is an angular sign and therefore there will be a lot of significance between its condition and your life when its ruler is a chronocrator of the general times. So in regard to your LoS the time lord changes when you are 28, this is very likely to coincide with some event in your life, this is especially so because this change-over happens during your first Saturn return. The Part of Fortune Part of Fortune conjunct Midheaven? This is a little tricky to explain because so many conditions interact with the planets and angles, malefics can have their effect reversed (please see answer to pisceanfool below this answer to you). Besides its house, the following are also important: The sign where this Arabic part is placed reveals how you find joy, while the house tells in which life area. Part Of Fortune In The Houses & Signs I went to the website. This way, youll be able to complete your projects and ideas through sustained effort and being consistent with your goal. This is done according to the table below. This house governs goals, ambition, authority figures, your employer and also you as a boss. Saturn in your chart has a cooperating wind, this means that the energy behind Saturn is blowing you in a favourable direction, maybe not at light speed but he is getting to his destination in a slow but steady way. Leaning into what your moon sign needs emotionally and physically. For example, the Part of Fortune in 10th house in Aquarius suggests that you want to contribute in an innovative, unusual way to society. Again, I would use whole sign houses for the natal chart but feel free to use whatever system you choose. part of fortune Alot of numerology/astrology says i am here to be of service and i have always felt that way. Long-term aspects in synastry: the big That it not strictly true because, oppositions are angular in relation to the Lots own position. This is done according to the table below. The good news is that he is not in a hopeless condition; you are young enough to be able to reinforce his positive attributes and make a brighter future. In my Placidus house system chart the Part of Fortune is conjunct to my Midheaven at 11Aquarius. So it looks like I have a benefic and both malefics in the same angular house. You find joy in working towards your goals and turning dreams into reality. There are other conditions which determine whether the action initiated is good or bad for the native, or whether the malefics have been changed to benefics, or whether the planet has any joy by natal house. This is amplified if the part of fortune is in your 4th house or is conjunct, sextile, or trine with your moon placement. If your LoF is angular it will be very active and it states that beneficial opportunities will be mostly seen when transiting planets and/or time lords are moving through the angles in your natal chart. These are obvious areas where opportunities might spring from and the timing is as follows: (nocturnal) Saturn handled the first 27 years of your life, (diurnal) Saturn will handle the next 30 years; after these periods comes a very nice 12 year Jupiter phase. Because the nodes have many different meanings to different astrologers it can be an area of much debate, for this reason I do not delineate them publicly. Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 10th house in astrology! Also called the Lot of Fortune or Fortuna, the Part of Fortune is all about prosperity and well-being. Hopefully this will give some pointers on how to examine the LoF. Look out for positive transits from Mars for opportunities to come your way out of the blue. In that case, we are already heading in the right direction. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. How to Interpret the Part of Fortune Part of Fortune Two of the LoF significations are good fortune and acquisition. Some of the most important factors with the LoF are the type of sign it is in, the closeness of it to an angle using whole sign houses, and the condition of its lord (ruling planet). This angle represents you main ambition in life. Your nativity is nocturnal with the Moon in Pisces and the triplicity ruler is therefore Mars. Fixed Star Antares conj Mercury? How can you find (create) your luck if you have your Part of Fortune in 10th house in your birth chart? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. These are common synastry aspects for soulmates in astrology. The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a persons Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. You must overcome the childishness of your reactions, the repetition of patterns, and excessive sensitivity, which only trap you in the past. Read on to learn how to find your part of fortune and what it means. Following the direction of your rising sign (which will typically move us out of our comfort zone). Furthermore, Saturn is opposite to your Sun/Mercury combustion in your 10th house. It is now time to see how these times can be mapped out according to your life. The angles are a crucial part of the natal chart. You are using an out of date browser. I think Mr Zoller used the placidus house system in his book Arabic Parts, the Lost Key though I am not sure he still would given the discoveries since that book was published. Inquisitiveness is part of your very soul for your entire lifetime, if you can learn to balance logic with your depth of feelings you will benefit greatly from a cosmic viewpoint. Nadir conjunct Antares: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. First on the list here is whether he has any connection to the natal ascendant, which in your case is yes by dexter sextile. As a general rule you can consider the LoF as a kind of lunar connection, not like the Moon but like a kind of possible good we click point. And would love to know what you guys think about it. Thanks a lot Bob! Not necessarily hard, but this is not the kind of success that comes to you easily. This transit represents both the need and opportunity for clever adjustments in your public roles, where you must learn to spin the situation according to the narrative you wish to become accepted by the public. Take care of yourself, ground yourself into nature regularly, and connect with the sensual core of your body and being. One of the main uses of the Lots is for timing events as promised by the natal chart. And would love to know what you guys think about it. You may find yourself with a heightened psychic ability that when you tap into it brings in great work and success. He is post ascending (succeedent) which means it has the potential to bring the fruits of your actions back to you, though it may not be immediate and may take a lot of work. There are 30 degrees of each sign, so if we are using whole sign houses (which is most straightforward when calculating the part of fortune), then: When we look at the part of fortune placement, we also want to see where your Part of Fortune placements ruler is in your chart. Part of Fortune is calculated by starting with the degree of the ascendant, minus the degree of the sun, plus the degree of the moon. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! I figured that since it is conjunct the Sun, it must have some significant influence in my chart. Therefore, if Mars makes a trine to the LoF he must be in a succeedent house, and not as strong as an angular Jupiter. In a diurnal chart the LoF is measured in longitude from the Sun to the Moon, the longitude degrees between them are added to the ascendant. Additionally, you become an unstoppable force when you pay attention to your physical health through nutrition and exercise. Nadir conjunct Antares: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. (although i used to be schizophrenic just not in the split personality sense untill lately). The Lots can be used in synastry but they would need to be delineated natally first. To a certain extent the Fortuna chart can be read just like a natal chart as long as the sect, phase, topical house and general condition of the aspecting planet are taken into account. I am interested as my Sun and PoF are closely conjunct (1 degree) in the 7th house, Sag. The tenth house is one of the angular houses, its cusp is the Midheaven (in some house systems). The angles are a crucial part of the natal chart. Personally, I only use the whole sign house divisions as laid down by the Hellenistic period astrologers, Valens, Dorotheus, Maternus, Ptolemy etc However, Robert Schmidt has stated that for topics (areas of life) the Hellenistic period astrologers used the whole sign system but for strength of planets as related to the angles they used the Porphyry house system which Schmidt claims was probably invented by Valens. WebSince your Part of Fortune is in the tenth house of your birth chart, the fourth house is the opposite house. As you have Aquarius on the ascendant, any planet or Lot/Part in Pisces is in the second house. Now we have a basic sketch of the strength of the LoF and the signs where fortune will be active in your chart. The Midheaven is one of the most significant points in your natal chart. To answer your last sentence; no, the whole sign is considered the first house, not above or below the ascendant like a planet rising. This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 2nd or 7th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Venus placement. Would love to know if there is any significance. This placement is often accompanied by an intuitive desire to accomplish great things. WebSince your Part of Fortune is in the tenth house of your birth chart, the fourth house is the opposite house. Everything in your life needs to bring concrete results. Second, determine the ruling planet of the sign of the Part of Fortune, and What this might suggest personally is that while you were growing up you had many rules placed upon your social conditions which might cause some stress in your future relationships by having rules imposed on you which you would rather not have, or by you imposing rules on others that might rebel against you.
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